Two computer hard drive cases are cracked open and the two chassis holding the shiny discs are mounted on a guitar above and parallel to the strings in that lower eight inch pick-up area.
Light interference between the two discs, strings and optical pickups set up an ******** image using a light
turbine technique and produce multiple sounds.
Strings are played with a three-phase electrical device I designed/tested this week that don't touch the strings. The frets are selected by old Lexicon printerhead assemblies, (steel rods and belt drive along the neck), which read pulses from a stretched piece of photograhic film.
Weight is a problem so everything has to be drilled full of holes to some extent.
It's a concept piece, fitting the electro-mechanical parts onto the guitar in different positions until they find a synergistic position. Like the hard drives, I never would have thought that they fit exactly where the mag pickups used to be. In a leaps and bounds design like this, sound will be hooked up last. The guitar was mounted in a four foot by fouteen inch wood frame and can be attached to a 'robotic' wheeled dolly. Lot's of light and sound effects eventually.