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Giant... err, Beetles

Stealth warfighting vehicles. Well, sort of "stealth".
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With modern aircraft technology to the point where a heavy bomber can be so disguised as to appear on RADAR as nothing more than a "flock of geese", albeit a flock of geese travelling at 850 knots on a beeline for your nation's capital, it's time other weapon systems were the recipients of similar technological advances.

Therefore, UBCo Armaments have developed a range of armoured fighting vehicles that appear to be gigantic beetles, though with cockroach-like "antennae" capable of launching highly destructive projectiles in whatever direction they are pointed. Other offensive and defensive weaponry includes chemical weapons that produce dreadful smells, painful, deadly and startling effects, as do stink bugs, wasps and bombardier beetles; and heavy armour composed of multiple layers of reactive, chitinous shielding, to thwart enemy weapons, including giant shoes.

Additionally, we'll soon announce the launch of a range of watercraft employing pondskater and water beetle attributes, alongside a range of enhanced "Deathwatch" drones, designed to destroy enemies' physical assets and built environment.

UnaBubba, Apr 17 2012

http://keelynet.com/greb/greb.htm [2 fries shy of a happy meal, Apr 17 2012]

Tarkus! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarkus
The inevitable arm(adillo) race as predicted by EL&P [zen_tom, Apr 18 2012]


       Oh, you'll love this then. [link]   

       Apparently hallucinogenic, too.
UnaBubba, Apr 17 2012

       Hold on a sec.   

       So, the essence of the idea, the nub, the core of the insight, the eureka particle in the nucleus of your cerebral atom is... make weapons that look like big bugs?   

       You've been licking toads again, haven't you?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 17 2012

       Dammit, how did you figure that out?   

       Oh, the hallucinogenic comment... SHIT!   

       Here was I, blithely imagining the sheer surprise value of suddenly appearing in your enemy's front lines, in massive, black, heavily armed and armoured beetles... Ooo, look, the sky is all purple and swirly. Wow! Like, solid, man...
UnaBubba, Apr 17 2012

       //Oh, the hallucinogenic comment... SHIT!//   

       No. I've been hearing complaints from the toads.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 17 2012

       It's only a tongue fungus. they'll get over it.
UnaBubba, Apr 17 2012

       //Chitinous Chitinous Bang Bang//   

       Bravo, [bigsleep], that's my best laugh of the day!
UnaBubba, Apr 18 2012

       The obvious response would be for the enemy to begin development of even larger robot armadillos/badgers to gain the upper hand. I think Emerson, Lake & Palmer have precedent with their Tarkus/Aquatarkus concept album of 1971.
zen_tom, Apr 18 2012

       "Sir! They've brought a honeybadger!"
"Fall back! Everyone fall back!"
RayfordSteele, Apr 18 2012

       A classic application for the well-known "hedgehog defence" ...
8th of 7, Apr 18 2012

       // Here was I, blithely imagining the sheer surprise value of suddenly appearing in your enemy's front lines, in massive, black, heavily armed and armoured beetles... //   

       What is the first response, among those armed with automatic weapons and a variety of ranged ordnance, when confronted with a hostile party they have never encountered before? I know what mine would be...
Alterother, Apr 18 2012

       //What is the first response, among those armed with automatic weapons and a variety of ranged ordnance, when confronted with a hostile party they have never encountered before?//   

       Moon them?
RayfordSteele, Apr 18 2012

       Isn't that what the prisoners in Abu Ghraib were doing?
UnaBubba, Apr 18 2012


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