Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
It's as much a hovercraft as a pancake is a waffle.

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FiveADay Packets

A packaged portion of vegetables and fruits that is your 5 a day
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Precut, prearranged and ready to eat or drink
chronological, Jan 10 2025


       On a card like with times and everything? LIke where you punch it out the back like a cough drop? I'd buy that.
doctorremulac3, Jan 10 2025

       I never posted it but what about a weekly meal schedule that is interchangeable and frozen.   

       Get up in the morning, pick your protein, your starch, your veggie side dish and a dessert.
By the end of the week you have no choice but to eat what you left for last, but that's okay, tomorrow you get to pick from seven days worth of meals again.

       I had an idea many years ago to have dried, ground fruits and vegetables that would come in capsule form (yes, the exact thing that's a multi million dollar company now) Dropped the idea after finding out you could a) eat a carrot or b) take a big handful, about 10, capsules containing the dried carrot powder. Or just enjoy an apple or spend minutes swallowing a fist full of apple powder capsules.   

       I believe that product works through the placebo effect, they're probably not getting all those benefits from eating half a carrot and a slice of apple. I take vitamins in the morning and I'm pretty sure some of, if not a lot of the benefit comes from the placebo effect, or in my case, the "open label placebo effect" which is actually a thing.
doctorremulac3, Jan 12 2025

       There's a HUGE business here now called Hello Fresh. It is based off of a business model called Dinner Solutions.
The original model was for foodies to gather and prep several of one of 250 fresh gourmet dinners designed by a chef to be frozen and later enjoyed.
Groups would show up, make various meals and then swap them between each other. Works great in a large city, but failed miserably in a small city.

       My wife and I bought Dinner Solutions for a song when it failed because we learned that the basement suite of our home could become a commercial prep kitchen as long as everything remained either fresh or frozen and absolutely nothing was cooked. So I gutted the suite, built a walk in freezer in the bedroom, got an industrial dishwasher and we started making meals as a side-line.   

       Well screw me sideways, it went nuts.
Both of us already had full time jobs and two young children to deal with and after maybe a year or so the shear volume of orders had us praying that there wouldn't be any every night when we got off work and I turned it back into a suite.

       We still own the rights and recipes and all that jazz, we just couldn't keep up.
It is an excellent business model and now that we are about to once again fire up an industrial kitchen,
(I just got the furnaces in the mall working, and for the first time in three years I won't be heating a space with a 220 stove element wired to a 110 cord stuffed in a beer-keg full of sand as a heater, I am tickled pink, but I digress), so We're thinking that Dinner Solutions might just come back to life as a way to ensure that staff have full-time work year around in a tourist town with a three month season.

       People want real food and most either don't know how to, or can't be arsed to shop and cook for themselves.   

       Since you guys like puns you might get a kick out of this.
I had at one time thought to rename it Supper Heroes... y'know of the Just-Ice League.
"There's nothing to be alfredo!" etc. It kind of writes itself.

       Tell me more about the industrial dishwasher. Is it one of those which stand very tall, and stay hot while you keep swapping trays of crockery in and out?
pertinax, Jan 12 2025

       Yes and no.
The first one I bought and installed was exactly that with the raising and lowering door but it didn't comply with the temperature the city demanded so we swapped it out for a smaller Hobart with a three minute cycle.

       //Supper Heroes//   

       Oh that's good, that's really good. Let me know if you're selling shares, I think you're on to something potentially huge.   

       Franchise bro, franchise. You just need to do two things:   

       1- fran 2- chise   

doctorremulac3, Jan 12 2025

       Well... I kind of always have more irons in the fire than I'm sure I can work, so I have to forge what I've got heating before I can smelt more ore... but maybe one of these years it'll happen.   

       I've only ever wanted wealth to free up enough time and resources to be able to invent full time. It's what I'm meant to be doing instead of chasing it, but you play the cards you're dealt.
Then, when the powers that be stole my first-to-invent right and screwed me out of being given the credit for two world changing inventions, I made it my mission to earn enough money to hire the suits it will take to force the supreme courts to retract the North American governments unconstitutional switch to first-to-file.

       The one year grace period offered by them in place of my actual intellectual rights will be eliminated...   

       ...or I will die trying.   

       Sorry. Too deep.   

       True story though.   


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