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Dim Mak reversal device

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I have been trying to lean the touch of death based oon youtube videos by practicing it on myself. The major problem with this is that the anidote touch is a spot on ones back that you have no hope of reaching on your own.

I would like a "reach around" device that could be used to pat myself on the apropiate places on the back in the event I get the death touch right,

bob, Mar 31 2019


       //I have been trying to lean the touch of death based oon youtube videos by practicing it on myself.//   

       I have no idea what this is about.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 31 2019

       What's an anidote?
Sgt Teacup, Mar 31 2019

       This is an excellent idea for the ethical dim mak practitioner. Also as a conversation piece on the mantlepiece.
calum, Mar 31 2019

       Also, thank you for the laugh!
calum, Mar 31 2019

       One should never try to lean the death touch.   

       The death touch leans on you... and then you lean back as best you can... or not.   

       ...or something like that. Translations and such.   


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