(For a friend)
if you don't shut off properly, the last drop may go down your leg. Ewww, you may say.
Good advice is to WAIT.
Alternatively, as my friend recently told me, one may use a single sheet of bogroll pre-emptively just to remove the last drip.
Based on the observation that many
people are keen to purchase consumable items that they don't really need, maybe there would be a market for DikWik(R).
This is analogous to a de-soldering braid, such as "soder-wick" for example, where you remove excess solder from an electrical joint or pad using the capillary action of braided copper wire.
I won't go into unnecessary detail here, however in concept this is made of a coil of flushable absorbent tissue paper rope on a small reel the end of which which can be extracted from an attractively designed refillable dispenser when required. The dispenser is self-adhesive so that it can adhere to any location you wish in the bathroom space. The rope reel is perforated such that it's easy to snap off a 3 inch length as many times as required; I anticipate that this will only be once.
Pull, dab, flush. How neat is that?