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Default Interlingual Synsets

Assign default token for defined meanings in every language. Give a prefix to them, and use them to make LDI.
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Short on time... The LID ( language independent document - described on www.definitionary.com ) has never been really realized, and is still relevant because of ambiguity of machine translations.

We already have WikiData.org, which summarizes meanings from variety of sources. For example, Freebase was integrated into it.

Then, use DIS to enable LIDs, simply choose default meanings for tokens. E.g., "orange" default meaning would be the color, not the fruit.... And "spring" default meaning would be the type of coils, not the season. Etc., such "standardized" meaning tokens could all have prefixes, like, underscore, or some other more rarely used symbol.

Mindey, Feb 11 2019

Attempting to begin generating them from WikiData... https://gist.github...cd050fa8a0155347cb5
So, will have to make a validator? (i.e, to avoid collisions) [Mindey, Feb 12 2019]

Gotta keep projects somewhere... https://dynalist.io...bcscbx5xGq2SpOTiu3d
Chat: https://gitter.im/infinity-family/project-synsets [Mindey, Mar 04 2019]


       This idea seems English-dependent, rather than language-independent.
pocmloc, Feb 11 2019


       I like the idea of creating a language without ambiguity. [+]
beanangel, Feb 11 2019

       It doesn't seem to me to need to be English-dependent. You could use a word for each concept that's inspired by the words for it in other languages, like Esperanto. Or you could just assign every concept a number like Wikidata does. I'm still not entirely sure what such a document would look like in terms of reading it, though. And I don't see how idioms and puns would be representable, which could potentially be an issue in edge cases, because I've heard that no completely literal language can represent all concepts, due to something to do with Gödel's incompleteness theorem.
notexactly, Feb 11 2019

       Probably a Chomsky syntax-free grammar. Computer "languages" are of necessity devoid of ambiguity.   

       In more general usage, the solution is already being implemented - the progressive deprecation of all languages other than English. In a hundred of your Earth years, how many other languages will survive ? The answer is probably "not many".
8th of 7, Feb 12 2019

       Methinks Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, and Latin will survive, at the very least.
RayfordSteele, Feb 12 2019

       Nietzsche's "mobile army of metaphors" is going to march all over this, I'm afraid. Also, Hegel would like a word. Especially if it's an obscure, abstract one. He's particularly fond of those.
pertinax, Feb 12 2019

       //to march all over this// to flood, surely?
pocmloc, Feb 12 2019

       Well, quite.
pertinax, Feb 12 2019

       And, some languages use very similar alphabets. So, instead of _ok, it may be better to say en:ok.... en:Let lt:man de:guck. Namespaces for languages. Or... what would really be better symbol? A hashtag?
Mindey, Feb 12 2019

       //Computer "languages" are of necessity devoid of ambiguity.   

       Dunno about that, I was doing some coding for thinking machines, and it had a terrible Lisp.   

       This idea style reminds me of someone who got very unfairly run out of town.
not_morrison_rm, Feb 12 2019


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