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Death Planner

Taking care of all the little details
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Okay, so funeral directors take care of the funeral and those details. This is not planning a funeral, but more along the lines of a wedding planner. Estate planners are for those people who actually *have* an estate. I've got "stuff".

I am finding a million details that I'm trying to deal with, at times, are overwhelming. Just recently, my artwork found a new home in the Oakland Museum. But, what a hassle. What is needed is someone to take care of the details when there is nobody in the family or circle of friends who can do this.

Who gets what pictures? Can the pictures be scanned and sent out to all who might like them? What is thrown out? Trying to get to the "zero point" is just too much right now. Most people depend on a will to deal with inhertitance. I want everything gone before my time comes...to reach the "zero point".

Enter the Death Planner. He/She sits down and gets a detailed family history and general inventory of the estate. They help determine what is a fair an equitable division and begin the process of distribution based upon your desires. They deal with the processing, distribution and any issues that may arise.

For their services, they are paid a sum based upon actual time spent working on the distribution. A large sum of money divided between recipients may only take a day, where providing a home for artwork may take much longer. A fairer payment method based upon the amount of work done.

Or, maybe I took too many meds again...

Klaatu, Jun 30 2008

Oakland Museum http://www.museumca.org/
The artwork will be part of their permanent exhibition. [Klaatu, Jun 30 2008]


       This is really what a will is for, isn't it? This is why they say everyone should have one and it should be kept up-to-date.   

       {I hope you're being facetious by the way}
phoenix, Jun 30 2008

       A will is for after-the-fact. I'm working to dispose of all my worldly possessions in advance of the end.
Klaatu, Jun 30 2008

       Okay, my thought was a service - like an attorney on retainer - that you could keep updated on acquisitions and final dispositions as necessary. This seems like a fairly specialized service and combining it with the services of a will seems to make sense as what you're talking about sounds like a prehumous will.   

       I can see some value in having someone with experience in this arena available to you, but I'd be worried about fraud and/or kickbacks.
phoenix, Jun 30 2008

       //worried about fraud and/or kickbacks//   

       Premortem planning for those, like me, who don't need/can't afford an attorney isn't available. Think wedding planner for dying folks.   

       If my wishes are taken care of, premortem, then I can be sure of absolute honesty and no kickbacks. When I go to that great garbage disposal of humankind, I have no way of being sure my wishes are honored if I have a postmortem will.
Klaatu, Jun 30 2008

       Is there something you're not telling us?
blissmiss, Jul 01 2008

       // I'm working to dispose of all my worldly possessions in advance of the end //   

       <deftly removes [klaatu]'s wallet as he sits typing>
8th of 7, Jul 02 2008

       Gort may still get to you in time ....
8th of 7, Jul 02 2008

       I can't see how this is any different from estate planning; your stuff *is* your estate. Of course, the novelty here is that it happens pre, rather than post, mortem, but this could be easily acheived with a carefully drafted power of attorney by a qualified an trustworthy executry practitioner. Might cause issues with your inheritance/estate tax, but.   

       (Thoughts are with you, Klaatu - chin up).
calum, Jul 03 2008

       A service like this would be a great comfort.   

       I do so wish my friend that you could stay and play.
Bet your ass though, the next Halfcon we meet at's gonna be a doozey id'n it?

       First shift's yours this time.   

Voice, Jul 06 2008

       Amen on the first shift. You would never want me driving on my meds. Although...if you had a death planner, you -could- let me take the last shift.
Klaatu, Jul 06 2008

       The one real problem that I see with this is the "customer", your family and friends. You would have to put up with Aunt Hilda and someone else having hurt feelings over what they got and did not get. I say let it happen after you are dead, then either you have more to worry about or nothing to worry about.
augusta, Jun 28 2010

       Then again, watching two cousins you've never liked have to wrestle each other naked in a pool of pirahnas for ownership of your Porsche could be quite amusing.
8th of 7, Jun 28 2010

       [8th_of_7] Your family must be frightfully dull if pirahnas are needed to liven up the spectacle. Or maybe it's just that you're jaded.
mouseposture, Jun 29 2010

       Been there, done that, got the lycra-and-leather lace up bodice with the spikes on the inside ...
8th of 7, Jun 29 2010

       So, you are near death, you commence your death plan, and your worldly possessions are distributed to your heirs in advance of the final event... But then you make a miraculous recovery. What then?
Alx_xlA, Jun 29 2010

       Most old people that I know of, become senile, and have to have the money and belongings taken away from them, before they go broke and then need medication, transportation, a warm blanket or an air conditioned room, that they cannot afford.
pashute, Jun 30 2010

       Um, has anyone seen Klaatu lately?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 30 2010

       No, only Gort.
8th of 7, Jun 30 2010


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