Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Danish pastry grip points

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Marked and easily identifiable non-sticky areas on Danish pastries such that they can be gripped at these points without subsequent transference of stickiness to fingers and thence onwards to one's keyboard, mouse, phone, spouse, etc.
hippo, May 22 2014

havering http://www.urbandic...fine.php?term=haver
urban dictionary surprisingly correct [calum, May 22 2014]


       Excellent idea. And perfect for the driver who is in the car and can't find their napkin. Not that I would ever eat and drive. Or eat a sticky pastry for that matter. + But for those that do!
blissmiss, May 22 2014

       Questioning what the spots will be marked with?
xandram, May 22 2014

       And torque limits?
not_morrison_rm, May 22 2014

       [xdm] I'm not sure - it could be just an area of unglazed pastry, although then your fingers might get greasy from the buttery goodness of the pastry - alternatively I think it could be something like a mint leaf, stuck to the pastry.
[nmr] Yes, eating a Danish pastry limits my talking... - you're right, extensive testing will be required.
hippo, May 22 2014

       After baking, stick a few squares of rice paper (the edible kind) onto the pastry.
MechE, May 22 2014

       This idea rather suggests that there is a way to eat a danish pastry other than laying it on your desk, just afore yr keyboard, and going at it maw agape and hands-free, your forehead making occasional contact with the spacebar. I am somewhat incredulous that there could be such a way and posit that hippo is havering.
calum, May 22 2014

       [calum] that is too funny!
blissmiss, May 22 2014

       From Merriam Webster:   

       " Definition of HAVERING borough of NE Greater London, England pop 224,400 "
normzone, May 22 2014

       I picture a Danish Pastry Grip...more like a tool. You slide the pastry into the gripper and eat it in a circular motion!
xandram, May 22 2014

       In Cornwall (which, coincidentally, owes much of its culture to Danish emigré tin miners), there is a traditional bun called a Darley Cake (or, in Cornish, a Tesen Dewgorn), which is shaped rather like a croissant, only more bent. It is dipped in a mixture of sugar syrup and crushed hazelnuts, leaving the two horns bare to act as hand-holds.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 22 2014

       [+] what [blissmiss] said; also ^ horned pastry woot.
FlyingToaster, May 22 2014

       //going at it maw agape and hands-free, your forehead making occasional contact with the spacebar   

       So, that explains the 2008 financial crash..   

       //owes much of its culture to Danish emigré tin miners   

       Pardon? Closest I could find is "16th century when open cast mining was used. German miners came in who had knowledge of the new techniques."
not_morrison_rm, May 23 2014

       //Blew me away when I visited the museum.//   

       Thing is, this was entire culture that persisted for centuries. You might expect them to have time to make a set of ornamental wheels, at the very least.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 23 2014

       //You might expect them to have time to make a set of ornamental wheels, at the very least.   

       I wonder what the Bronze age home-shopping channel (BAHSC) had to say about these?
not_morrison_rm, May 23 2014

       Very interesting, two fingers and no thumb, edge on, back-handed. But dropped 2 crumbs. That's 5 from me.
pocmloc, May 24 2014

       Maybe (as [MechE] suggests) rice paper is the answer. A tiny pad of rice paper Post-It notes would be useful here, and could be used with any sticky foodstuff.
hippo, May 24 2014

       I vote post-its. Could be recycled for messages to strangers passing by, though a little sticky and stained.
blissmiss, May 24 2014

       Over here we have cutlery.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 24 2014


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