Rich people get to shop in the classiest of provision-mongers (see link) and as a consequence, they can get the world's choicest and most rarefied and delicious provisions.
For lesser beings, whose bank balance at the end of the month sometimes reaches double figures, I propose a new line of food
Elegantly packaged in the finest quality plain brown paper packaging, discretely emblazoned in gilt with the crests of the world's finest mongers.
Within the inch-long box, the eager yet poverty-stricken gourmet will find the tiniest crumb or morsel of the desired comestible.
A crumb of the finest hand baked organic christmas cake. A thin sliver of Caciocavallo Podolico cheese. A single grain, or two, of caviar. a slice from a crystallised grape, or from an unutterably fine belgian chocolate. A tiny glass vial containing a single drop of 1927 vintage port...
Quality knows no limits... only quantity. Each product penguin retails at £1.