Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Crossword Story that says the same thing at different angles.

Puzzle game. I'll try it here.
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Crossword Story that says the same thing at different angles. Write a story so that messages can be read both horizontally or at angles that might be vertical, diagonal or even zig zag. For instance, it says a particular sentence when read across, But at 45 degrees the same sentence pops up you get the surprising same message at various angles. I’ve seen people do that thing where the first word of a series of sentences that at first glance looks like nothing odd, but viewed at a different angle, from top to bottom, you see other various angles give different messages.

Let's see if this one worked. I'll put an asterisk by the angled sentence.

*Crossword story that says the same thing at different angles.
Write a *story so that messages can be read both horizontally
or at angles *that might be vertical, diagonal or even zig zag.
For instance, it *says a particular sentence when read across,
but at 45 degrees *the same sentence pops up.
You get the surprising *same message at various angles.
I’ve seen people do that *thing where the first word
of a series of sentences that *at first glance looks like
nothing odd, but viewed at some *different angles, from top
to bottom, you see other various other *angles give different messages

The application would be a puzzle challenge where you get a grid of boxes and you fill them out to get the same sentence appearing from as many angles as possible.

So you get a point for each word double the score for each angle. So 10 word sentence at two angles = 20, at three angles 40, at five angles 80.

Or something like that.

doctorremulac3, Aug 25 2024

Wikipedia: Acrostic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrostic
[jutta, Aug 28 2024]


       I thought this was kind of a neat idea. Oh well.   

       Did I not clarify it's a game?   

       Maybe I didn't make that clear. (rattles bun cup)
doctorremulac3, Aug 28 2024

       Hmm, looks like this has been explored, but has anybody done a game with it? This would be like Scrabble but an order of magnitude harder.
doctorremulac3, Aug 28 2024

       //an order of magnitude harder//   

       It might be a good application for a large language model.   

       I don't use that sentence very often.
pertinax, Aug 29 2024


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