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Coronation Street On Ice.

Episode one, Skating On Thin Ice. The directors cut.
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A complete remake of Coro Street, this time round on ice, where the cast unbeknown to them, are truth drugged, drunk and get to say what they really think about one another.

So as not to offend the deaf community, there will be a sign language interpretor likewise drugged and drunk, positioned slap bang to the lower right of the centre of the picture that will piss off everyone else but that doesn't matter, also multiple choice subtitles.

Lesser Spotted Kiwi, Sep 20 2012


       What's coro? uks longest running soap?
leinypoo13, Sep 20 2012

po, Sep 20 2012

       Never seen it but hasn't it run for 60 years or something? That's one hell of a remake. Bad enough that Schmallas seems to have risen from the grave along with the now-undead cast.
Phrontistery, Sep 20 2012

       so what U never seen it [phront...]? best soap on the planet!
po, Sep 20 2012

       //best soap on the planet// Words fail me.
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 20 2012

       Compared to the other shining examples?
Phrontistery, Sep 21 2012

       Err, no.
DrBob, Sep 21 2012

       //Compared to other shining examples.//   

       Well now.... There's the long running TV daily serial," The Continuing Saga Of The Middle Eastern Conflict."   

       This soap remains loyal to the burning flag to keep up ratings" theme. A smoldering shell of a 1991 white Toyota, also a sprinkling of bodies.'   

       Ever given a thought why in an area with such hatred of the West, offending flags are so readily available?
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 21 2012

       Do people watch soaps because they think 'TF my life isn't like that' or because it actually is?
Phrontistery, Sep 21 2012

       I think that putting Coronation Street on ice is an excellent idea.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 21 2012

       Should have been on ice after the first episode.
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 21 2012

       //Do people watch soaps because they think 'TF my life isn't like that' or because it actually is?//   

       That's a toughy!... Probably for that reason or because of 'Britain's Got Talent.'
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 21 2012

       Strangely, this idea was posted by [Lesser Spotted Kiwi] but annotated by [Lessor Spotted Kiwi].
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 22 2012

       Sorry. result of typo correction.
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 22 2012

       [Lessor/Lesser Spotted Kiwi] 2 accounts - 1 [marked-for-deletion] which one do you prefer?
po, Sep 22 2012

       Lesser is correct.
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 22 2012

       // Oh I get it now. This is like"give it a rest for a bit'. //   

       Not really. Just thought, liven it up by changing it to a Pantomime.
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 23 2012

       Can we all agree that it needs a new theme at least?   

       Widow Twankey in the corner shop with a candlestick?
Phrontistery, Sep 23 2012

       //Can we all agree it needs a new theme at least.//   

       How about Happy Families?
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 23 2012

       //Widow Twankey in the corner shop with a candle stick.//   

       Ha ha, Where do the Principle Boy and the Ugly Sisters fit in?
Lessor Spotted Kiwi, Sep 24 2012


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