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Chocolate mead

new meaning to choco-holic
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Mix several pounds of melted high quality chocolate with several gallons of almost boiling water, allow to remain at that temperature for a few minutes, then remove heat. Mix in champagne yeast and pour the choco-wort in a carboy to ferment for a few months. Maybe the drink would come out somewhere in between a crisp dark ale and champagne with a very distinctive cocoa taste.
gomer, Sep 09 2008

Google search for "Chocolate Mead" http://www.google.c...tIndex=&startPage=1
About a ba-jillion hits. [phoenix, Sep 09 2008]

Cock Ale http://www.muntean.com/beer/
[mylodon, Sep 09 2008]


       [+] I think it could work. I might even have a go at it this weekend.   

       Why call it 'mead', though? There's no honey involved. It reminds me of the current phrase 'pear cider' which annoys me.
Srimech, Sep 09 2008

       I agree that it is not strictly a mead, but would not be a beer (no grain or hops). What is a better term? Chocohol? Let me know how it goes!
gomer, Sep 09 2008

       I was so disappointed this wasn't a sort of honey and chocolate hybrid drink. Sounds tasty all the same! However when you mix melted chocolate with water it 'seizes' and becomes unusable. That's why when you melt chocolate over simmering water you have to be extra careful (or just use a microwave!).
penguin_tummy, Sep 09 2008

       [gomer], are you a homebrewer? I think you may have just invented wet chocolate sludge.   

       When the mix cools the chocolate should settle out and solidify, possibly with the fats seperated from the other solids.   

       There should be at least some sugars seperated from the chocolate for the yeast to consume, but I don't believe there will be enough sugar in the mix to keep the mix alive for long.   

       I'll go look at [phoenix] link. To my knowledge developing a chocolate flavor in a fermented beverage usually requires non-chocolate ingredients such as roasted grains and dark malt.   

       Okay, I'm back. It appears that chocolate as an additive to mead will create some subtle flavors, but they are often overpowered by the other ingredients required for both body and to give the yeast adaquate catering for the party.   

       In other words, your recipe doesn't contain enough ingredients. Trust me, I've ruined many a batch of fermentable by trying to scrimp.
normzone, Sep 09 2008

       Coca flavors are complicated and tend to be insoluble. Amping the subtle aromatic extract with toasted hops dark malts and other ingredients that will pair with the and enhance the perception of a rich texture and dark aroma. Some dark toast oak maybe, or caramelized invert sugar. Any other hack brewers out there?
WcW, Sep 09 2008

       Yeah but I tend to experiment by sticking animals in my beer.   

       If anything it proved that you can have a big clot of sludge in your carboy -- and beer as well.
mylodon, Sep 09 2008

       very true. I suspect that beer tradition actually represents the distilled results of hundreds of years of literally throwing whatever was at hand into the wart and drinking the results. Strange and terrible results like bitterly hoppy export ales and obscure lambics show how much worse many random beercipies must be. Hope breweth eternal.
WcW, Sep 09 2008


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