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Cheap 3D TV

Electric motor & Cornflakes Box
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Turn action scenes on TV into 3D for less than $10. Get an electric motor and battery. Cut out a cardboard circle about 12 inches diameter. Cut several slits in the cardboard for left and right eyes such that when the left eye can see through a slit the right cannot, and vice versa. You will then have a dozen or two small slits around the circle. Make a tiny hole in the center and stick onto the spindle of the motor. Power the motor and watch TV - in any scene with a lot of movement you will see 3D effects because you are actually creating stereoscopic pairs separated by fractions of a second - sufficiently small intervals that the images look solid. To cut out strobe effects vary the voltage to the motor to achieve the best rotational speed. Motor racing and cycling etc look best with this.
webchat, Sep 11 2003

(?) Sega 3-D glasses http://www.severedb...om/fletcher/3D.html
[Worldgineer, Oct 21 2004]

retrofit 3D images from old movies http://www.gtoal.com/stereo/news.html
Variant of idea above [gtoal, Jan 13 2006]

related tech http://www.playvect...projex_f.htm#eddiek
can use a CD drive to spin disk ... [gtoal, Jan 13 2006]


       It'll never work. The two images really have to be from precise locations for your brain to understand it as 3-D. However, if the TV signal was meant for this, and was broadcast in a lefteye -righteye -lefteye -righteye order, this would work well. I had a Sega game system years ago with 3-D glasses that did just this using LCD glasses.
Worldgineer, Sep 11 2003

       I made one and it works. If you imagine a plane flying over a landscape and two photos taken a few seconds apart, you will then have a stereoscopic pair. Well, with a fast moving video sequence with parallax effects (such as flying over mountain ranges) you get an incredible sensation of depth - like a continouous stream of stereo pairs. Also, watching motor racing when the cars are coming towards the camera you can see them leap out of the screen. Drama and soaps and stuff do nothing and are flat - but as soon as there's a certain amount of movement your eye actually sees the 3D - and it's not fooling yourself - it's very clear and dynamic 3D as my friends have attested to. The only trouble is that it's flickery - but as a fun project to pass an afternoon it certainly works :)
webchat, Sep 11 2003

       [webchat] is perfectly correct about the mechanism, although there's a better way to see the effect if you have a video capture card. See 'retrofit' link for a project I did in the late 90's. It's best if the camera is tracking horizontally rather than panning, but even with panning the mechanism still works. Best scenes are shot from looking out the side of a moving vehicle such as a train window, or a side view from a helicopter. The opening scenes to Vegas and CSI are good material.
gtoal, Jan 13 2006

       won't the cornflakes go everywhere?
benfrost, Jan 14 2006

       I'm still trying to figure out how to cut the slits so that they are equidistant from each other about the perimeter yet there are never an aligned pair.
bristolz, Jan 14 2006

       this is my favorite idea.
VJW, Dec 10 2011


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