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Candy From The Sky Day

Holiday every 26th of June celebrates the first day of the Berlin Airlift.
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Be a bit like an Easter egg hunt, kids would gather in a park and a balloon overhead would release candy that they'd all run around collecting.

They'd be taught that a long time ago, there was a horrible war, but after it was over, their former enemy because their ally and brought them food and medicine where formally they had dropped bombs.

It would be a celebration of former enemies becoming friends.

Here's the poem celebrating that. There's an illustration in the link too.


The bombarder saw in his sites the target down below.
He opened up the bomb bay doors, the plane started to slow.

The people on the ground looked up into the sky with fear.
That silhouette of death had taken all that they'd held dear.

But as the bomber dropped its payload, falling to the ground,
it didn't detonate, in fact it barely made a sound.

For dropping from the plane that day, weren't tools of death and strife,
But food for all the starving people, clinging onto life.

The names of bombing missions passed portrayed what they had done,
in operation Archer, Claw and Gauntlet to name some.

But far from death, this Berlin Airlift had within its scope,
the giving of the people food, and medicine, and hope.

We showed the vanquished enemy the kindness in our soul,
and showed that from the ashes, peace would rise as our shared goal.

I dedicate this to my grand uncle, B-24 bomber pilot and squadron leader in the liberation of Europe, and all the others that risked and sacrificed their lives to free its people from the chains of tyranny and then brought reconciliation and peace to all the people of Europe. May those people remain strong enough to retain these freedoms previous generations sacrificed, fought and died for.

doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

Maybe call it Freedom Day https://www.dropbox...d4&st=t80afxv2&dl=0
[doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024]

The Mission https://www.dropbox...jr&st=34m882zo&dl=0
Illustration [doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024]

Peace can be beautiful. https://www.youtube...watch?v=6KHoVBK2EVE
[doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024]

Theme song for this peace accord negotiation. https://www.youtube...watch?v=n4RjJKxsamQ
Please watch this. [doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024]

What the goal of having peace on the HB is like https://www.dropbox...vc&st=q3x4j59v&dl=0
Might as well spend my time trying to do this. Probably be just as successful. [doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024]


       Re the link: Yup. I think it's time to make it a national holiday.   

       In ALL those countries. Let's have a day celebrating peace and reconciliation.
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       We are in rare agreement a1.   

       If we can get along, the whole world should be able to follow our shining example. We may be naturally at odds on many things, but from time to time we do that fist bump thing.   

       Like in the link.   

       (Which ironically features candy as a central theme.)   

       I tried this with xenzag and he took it as a sign of weakness on my part and immediately took a massive Trump-dump on the HB in response.   

       I'm German / Scottish so either character can represent me, I don't care.
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       It would be celebrating the Berlin Airlift on the date it started but could be expanded into a general holiday celebration.   

       The way Christmas is about a specific event.   

       If they already celebrate with candy air drops on the anniversary of the Berlin Airlift just post a link. Suuuuuuper easy.   

       And I understand that candy and air are both already widely known to exist.
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       Since you e done the research for me and it indeed has never been done before (and thank you for your assistance) I might indeed contact her.   

       I think this might be appropriate at an airbase in Berlin with both German and American pilots dropping the candy, maybe from actual vintage airplanes. B17s and B24s mostly, flyin He-111s might bring back bad memories.   

       No comment on my poem eh? I thought it was nice. But I understand, if you write poetry to get love you’re probably spending your time unwisely.
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       "What do you think of my poem?"   

       "I will destroy you and anything you create."   

       "So you like it?"   

       "Yes, very nice."
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       "Let's all" - see help file.
xenzag, Aug 26 2024

       If you don't understand the rules you could misapply them to anything.   

       Turbojet engine - "Let's all build turbojet engines."   

       Laser range finder - "Let's all build laser range finders."   

       Gyroscopic compass - "Let's all build gyroscopic compasses."   

       Go away.
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024


       I like that.
doctorremulac3, Aug 26 2024

       //Go away// Or else what? - more threats and nasty personal abuse? It’s not what people want to read who come here. Please stop doing this for everyone’s sake. Otherwise this could end up being a sparse and lonely place with the only voices being the ones who obey your commands.
xenzag, Aug 27 2024

       //more threats//   

       What was the threat? Name it.   

       Look at the hate you both bring to this site. Ironic you posting this vile on an idea about peace.   

       And look at how both of you reacted to that beautiful WW1 video of adversaries being kind to each other where I said this could be us.   

       Let that sink in.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       So here's my peace proposal to you two. It's the same one I've proposed many many times before.   

       We leave each other alone.   

       We don't post on each other's ideas.   

       We don't bring up politics because NOBODY enjoys that. There are plenty of political debate sites, everybody hates that crap so if it's absolutely imperative to let the world know we hate Donald Trump because they didn't catch it the first ten thousand times, go to a forum where people want to debate the point.   

       Let's embrace the fact that we see the world differently and instead of saying "I must destroy this person." live and let live.   

       If you wake up and the first thing you do is come to this site and post hateful crap about a person ask yourself if this is what you want to do with your time and energy.   

       Let's leave each other alone. xenzag, stop saying stuff like you did yesterday when I said people should have freedom of and FROM religion and you insulted me for that comment saying Trump was my god, then acted the victim when I responded. Do you remember how this flame war started and who started it?   

       And a1, stop obsessing about me. If I put an idea up that triggers you, move on with your life. I never have and never will take an idea down because you call it MFD or WKTE, so why waste your time?   

       We can all enjoy this place. Why not give it a try at least? I leave you both alone, you both leave me alone.   

       I promise you, it'll be really nice.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       //I said people should have freedom of and FROM religion and (xenzag) insulted me for that comment saying Trump was my god, then acted the victim when I responded. Do you remember how this flame war started and who started it?//   

       Okay, is it clear now?   

       So are you going to accept my peace accord or do you insist on having constant never ending interaction with me? Maybe think about it for a moment. Which will it be?   

       Maybe go talk to somebody. Have a cup of coffee or tea. Read some of these posts to a friend or councillor and get their opinion. Let's sit on this. I've made my proposal but you two should take your time with this.   

       It's a peace negotiation, maybe there's something you might put on the table to be part of the agreement. For instance, I'll never bring up Donald Trump again.   

       I'll start the negotiations with that.   

       Let me write something up for you two to consider.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       Okay, have a look and let me know your thoughts.   

       "We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace at the Halfbakery and around the world based on mutual understanding and coexistence, as well as respect for human dignity and freedom, including freedom of, and, from religion, political indoctrination and forced tribal conflict.   

       It is hereby agreed:   

       Party one, doctorremulac3 in accordance with this peace accord promises to do the following:   

       1- Will not ever bring up Donald Trump. 2- Really, will absolutely, positively NEVER bring up Donald Trump. 3- Will never post on any of the other party's ideas, including but not limited to: criticisms, insults, critiques or any commentary of any kind.   

       Party two, The A1/Xenzag Alliance To Get Doctorrelulac3 To Stop Coming To This Site Agrees To: 1- (now you offer something in return.)"   

       Take your time. It's level up day today. We're all gonna be awesome.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       Here's the theme song for this negotiation. (link)   

       Seriously, please watch this.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       So peace offer not accepted.   

       Try again, take some time. Think about it.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       If I post something saying that I think the individual should have personal autonomy and the capacity to live their lives independently, according to their own reasons and motives, and without being attacked or vilified for supporting freedom of and from religion and get told that Donald Trump is my god, that's an attack. And a really stupid one as well.   

       So peace offer declined. That's fine, we'll just carry on.   

       I'll say something which has nothing to do with Donald Trump, xenzag will attack me and bring up Donald Trump and I'll respond appropriately.   

       You'll OBSESSIVELY try to get me to take down my ideas for some reason after not even reading them (as you've admitted) and I'll respond appropriately to that as well.   

       But when you pick on somebody, don't get all butt-hurt when they stand up to your attacks. This whole, attack then play victim when the person fights back thing is disgusting.   

       So nothing's changed. Oh well, I tried.   

       And you know what? I'm absolutely fine with that. I will only communicate with you two when you attack me. Otherwise I'll continue to never comment on your ideas, I'll leave you alone and go about my business. And if it's so important for you two to have me in your lives continue on as you have been. I'd rather we get a divorce and never communicate with each other again, but I guess I fill some kind of empty void in your lives. I'd think you'd be somewhat curious about that. "Why do I have to interact with doctorremulac3 today, first thing in the morning, before doing anything else. What is it that makes me so obsessed with him? When he tries to stay away from us why won't we let him?"   

       Maybe it's time to look at what's missing in your lives that I fill for you. Why is the interaction always one way, you coming to me, when I never come to you?   

       Why did you just turn down a peace offering where we just leave each other alone?   

       Maybe take a moment to think about yourselves more than me for a change. Seriously, go talk to a third party about this. A friend, a councillor, hell, ask the bartender what he thinks. If you can find one person that thinks you should continue these forced, one way interactions when the other party just wants to be left alone I'll be very surprised.
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       Uh huh.   

       And I can actually levitate alligators. Just don't feel like doing it is all. (link)
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       Hey, let me add something to this that I wasn't clear on.   

       Either of you guys want to debate me on a specific topic, I am so down with that anytime. Want to interact with me, just fill out this form and I will be OVERJOYED to give you all the attention you could ever want.   


       I believe _____________ and __________. Also that _________ and _________ is ________, and that anybody who thinks ______ is a __________ who __________ and _________ their mother.   

       Further, I think the solution to _________ is to immediately _________ and __________ as well as _____________ and only an ____hole would think otherwise.   

       Any counter argument to my undeniable assertions that _________ and ________ is clearly the __________ of a _________ who has his ____________ stuck up his ass.   

       So please fill this form out and you'll be put in the queue for a prompt spirited debate.   

       Thank you for joining doctorremulac3's super fun and not at all stupid debate forum club thing.   

       But seriously, an actual debate about a specific topic? Any time, I'm down for a spirited wrangling. If we disagree, let's go! If we agree we'll move on, I'm sure we'll find something to debate about.   

       Seriously, the last part's not a joke. Any time, I'm your huckleberry. Just say when.   

       I'm telling you, debates can be fun, AND respectful. That's not a logical fallacy, I do it all the time and it's exhilarating. Think you get a buzz screaming Trump three hundred times as fast as you can while banging your head against the wall? Try a debate about actual issues. The dopamine rush will be ten times that.   

       Telling you, spirited debate. Try it once and you're never going back.   

       Okay, got a bit silly there but seriously, I would respectfully love to have a gentlemanly debate with either of you. (respectful bow)
doctorremulac3, Aug 27 2024

       I’ll check it out, thank you a1. :)
doctorremulac3, Aug 28 2024


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