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CVS Origami

Patterns for long, narrow pieces of paper
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lurch, Jun 17 2019

CVS? https://www.cnbc.co...pts--heres-how.html
Seems to be a shop, that is "well known" for having long receipts. Must be a local thing. [zen_tom, Jun 17 2019]


       ? Is this like CSI Miami?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 17 2019

       I think it means "continously variable suspension".
pocmloc, Jun 17 2019

       Perhaps it's about the optimal shape for a CV during its transfer to the circular file?   

Loris, Jun 17 2019

       Could be Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 17 2019

       If we rule out Cardiovascular System and Crankcase Ventilation System out-of-hand, another option is Coversed sine, which is (apparently) the trigonometric function :
presumably because writing that instead would make one's equations pellucid.
Although I must admit that how it relates to origami still isn't clear.
Loris, Jun 17 2019

       [zen_tom]'s link is the appropriate referent
lurch, Jun 17 2019

       Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, obviously... (hmm, unless it's Chromium-Vanadium Steel, but that might be a difficult medium for origami)
hippo, Jun 17 2019

       // that might be a difficult medium for origami //   

       Unless you're one of those diminutive elderly Japanese swordsmiths, who can handle a katana blade that's glowing the colour of moonlight seen through cherry blossom with their bare hands ...
8th of 7, Jun 17 2019

       //Seems to be a shop, that is "well known" for having long receipts.//   

       Gah, boring.   

       //(hmm, unless it's Chromium-Vanadium Steel, but that might be a difficult medium for origami)//   

       I could really get behind the chromium-vanadium steel sheet-metal origami concept, requiring the skillful application of press brakes.
Loris, Jun 17 2019

       "Fold your own DeLorean, in only 200 weekly parts ... first issue includes giant letterbox and installation kit ..."
8th of 7, Jun 17 2019

       //Unless you're one of those diminutive elderly Japanese swordsmiths, who can handle a katana blade that's glowing the colour of moonlight seen through cherry blossom with their bare hands// - alas, I am in fact a reasonably tall Japanese swordsmith who can handle a katana blade that's glowing the colour of moonlight seen through cherry blossom with my bare hands
hippo, Jun 18 2019

       My second zen master also claimed to be able to see through cherry blossom with his bare hands.
pocmloc, Jun 18 2019

       In Russia, cherry blossom sees you.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 18 2019

       // cherry blossom //   

       Perhaps we should point out that we are referring to the popular brand of brown shoe polish, not the flowering tree.
8th of 7, Jun 18 2019

       With pattern will origami, and origami, and origami, till the end.
wjt, Jun 19 2019

       //With pattern will origami, and origami, and origami, till the end.// There are 3,326,400 different ways to arrange those words, and none of them is a sentence.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 19 2019

       Poetry of emotion then.
wjt, Jun 21 2019

       You are all wrong. Even you, [Lurch], though it's your idea, you're stil wrong. It's "Certified Venus Specimen". A fine hunking hunk of a male from Venus, twisted and folded into interesting objects known only to Earthlings.
blissmiss, Jun 21 2019

       [blissmiss] Your not a cartoonist are you? With that sort of mind, I am imagining a funny and slightly surreal comic strip.
wjt, Jun 22 2019

       //A fine hunking hunk of a male from Venus//   

       No no no, [bliss]. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Did you skip the '90s ?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jun 22 2019

       CVS, chemical vapor supposition, is what I did recently when I just supposed CVD would do what I wanted.
beanangel, Jun 23 2019

       Tired girl just read that as "suppository" beanangel, cause i was not really paying attention.   

       And yes, Men are from Mars and Women, well women...as one songwriter once sang to me, "Are just men with a whole lot more woe".   

       Nap time.
blissmiss, Jun 23 2019

       Some wag is reported to have told a customer " Your scroll, sire " as he gave him the receipt.   

       Me, I refer to them as " homeless blankets ".   

       For a single item it can be a couple of feet long, mostly coupons for things you just bought that will expire before you need them again, and for things you would never buy.   

       For multiple items they can be four foot long.
normzone, Jun 28 2019

       I'll be perfectly happy to give you my personal information in return for you not wrecking the environment. But first you'll have to give me free stuff to not kick a puppy.
Voice, Jun 29 2019

       What's wrong with just making multiple flexy hexagons?
pocmloc, Jun 29 2019


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