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Bundled weedkiller antidote

Better than .... well, quite a lot of things, actually.
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New from BorgCo, a range of selective and non-selective herbicides, but with a difference; in the packaging is a small container of "antidote" specific to the herbicide used.

Thus, if something is accidentally (-on-purpose) sprayed, overspraying with the antidote within 24 hours will neutralise or at least very greatly mitigate the effects of the herbicide.

Ideal for those households where there are differences of opinion between what is an "attractive plant" and a "hideous ugly invasive weed"

The DeLuxe pack also contains earplugs, a pair of running shoes, a stab- and bullet-proof vest, and a CD entitled "Be Your Own Divorce Lawyer".

8th of 7, Apr 15 2012


       So, definitely not a "magic weedkiller antidote" or anything like that?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 15 2012

       Definitely not "magic"; actual (bio-)chemistry. The antidote is specific to the herbicide.   

       There are antitoxins for venoms, poisons and toxins in animals; no reason it can't be done for plants.
8th of 7, Apr 15 2012

       Aren't most antivenoms and antitoxins antibodies? I doubt a similar approach could be used for common herbicides.   

       What you probably need is some GM.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 15 2012

       // I doubt a similar approach could be used for common herbicides. //   

       But these are not "common or garden" (that's a 'pun', or play on words, by the way) herbicides. The active agent and the antidote are specifically engineered. No GM required.
8th of 7, Apr 15 2012

       I suspect the major issue would be the rate of diffusion through plants. Humans spread materials through their body relatively quickly via the circulatory system, definitely quicker than most toxins act.   

       Plants on the other hand spread such things relatively slowly, taking a day or two for most things.   

       The point being that the most common herbicides, which act in a day or two, are the biological equivalent of fast acting agent in a human, meaning that it will act before the anti- toxin/antagonist can catch up.
MechE, Apr 15 2012

       // The active agent and the antidote are specifically engineered. No GM required.//   

       Well, in that case, please carry on.   

       Incidentally, what is a dote?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 15 2012

       // Aren't most antivenoms and antitoxins antibodies?//   

       As a rule, no. Antibodies pretty much exclusively act on biological agents (bacteria, virii and fungi). Antitoxins are almost always a chemical actor, either destroying the dangerous chemical, causing the body to not take it up in the first place, or regulating the body's reaction to it until it passes safely.
MechE, Apr 15 2012

       I'm pretty sure that, for example, snake venom antidotes are basically antibodies.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 15 2012

       Looks like, I wasn't aware of that. Nerve agent antidotes are of the types I was describing.
MechE, Apr 15 2012

       However, snake venom shows relatively poor effectiveness against dandelions compared with other formulations, such as octane, which is 100% effective (once the smoke has cleared).   

       // what is a dote? //   

       A note. but written by someone with chronic catarrh.   

       Please, do try to keep up with the rest of the class.
8th of 7, Apr 15 2012

       //snake venom antidotes are basically antibodies// So is tetanus antitoxin. Drugs like atropine or pralidoxime, used to treat nerve gas or organophosphate poisoning aren't antitoxins, they're antidotes.   

       "Dote" was originally "doat," and was, in fact a typo for "goat." The misspelling arose in the 19th century, when the the HMS Insufferable went down with all hands while rounding Cape Horn. She was carrying a cargo of Gs to India, where the East India Company printers suffered from a shortage of that letter. The precious cargo lost, the typesetters adopted the convention of substituting "D" in official communications. "Regimental goat" was, at that time, a colloquial expression for any military camp follower, including the common-law wives who provided cooking, washing up, and other services. Military logistics in those days was primitive, and these women were indispensable: As a mark of particular esteem, the most senior were awarded caps, made from animal hide with the tail left on (like Davy Crockett), which they wore with pride.   

       [8th], in other words, was misled by an old wives' tail.
mouseposture, Apr 15 2012

       Bravo! It's about time that one was cleared up.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 15 2012

       Hah! Similar etymology to "moat", which was previously pronounced "boat", until an entire crew of workmen, all with cleft lips and/or palates, were tasked with the building of a water fortification defence around the Tower Of London, in the Twelfth century.   

       Unable to make themselves properly understood by the King's courtiers, they described a "sunken boat", meaning a boat with the water inside it, right around the castle's outer bailey. The term "sunken moat" thus came into existence, and to this day describes a channel of water encircling a building.   

       Oh, you said **anti*dote! Sorry...
UnaBubba, Apr 15 2012

       // what is a dote? //   

       NO! It's a...   

       Oh, forget it.   

       {wanders off in search of a broad-spectrum antidote to folk etymologies}
pertinax, Apr 16 2012

       //until an entire crew of workmen, all with cleft lips and/or palates// That's a bit hard to swallow...
4whom, Apr 16 2012

       He was probably speaking tongue-in-cheek ...
8th of 7, Apr 16 2012

       I feel your pain, o stubborn one.   

       Interestingly, the antidote to some herbicides is other herbicides. (For similar reasons, cyanide or botulism should act as an antidote to strychnine.)
spidermother, Apr 16 2012

       //cyanide or botulism should act as an antidote to strychnine.// Is that based on the principle that you don't live long enough for the strychnine to take effect?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 16 2012

       No, it's based on the principle that strychnine kills by up-regulating muscular contractions, so down-regulating could prevent death. It's not a proper theory, I just made it up on the spot, so kids, don't try this at home.   

       But a similar thing does happen with herbicides. Those that act as growth inhibitors can reduce the effectiveness of those that act as up-regulators.
spidermother, Apr 16 2012

       Yeah but on the downside, if you miscalculate you wind up with bigger weeds.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 16 2012

       Some of us calculate _for_ bigger weed, you know.
Alterother, Apr 16 2012

       A...nyway, [8th], did you ever manage to flush the last of the Agent Orange out of the Gardenia beds?
pertinax, Apr 17 2012

       Everyone wants to be Agent Black, don't they?
UnaBubba, Apr 17 2012


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