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Bulletproof-Glass Suit

For Popes and Spermophobes Alike.
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Suit is probably not the best word to describe this, but I can't really think of a better one.

I've always admired bulletproof-glass for its ability to allow something to be both visible and impregnable. body armour is good, but it only seems to be designed to cover certain parts of the body. Also, it is a lot less elegant

The Bullet-Proof Glass Suit (BPG Suit. Not to be confused with the BFG Suit which is something entirely different) is an individually tailored full-body mould of the wearer made out of bullet-proof glass, with the joints being made out of Kevlar Protera, to allow a little flexibility.

Naturally this would never replace riot gear as it would be hideously expensive and thus only used by heads of states and/or eccentric millionaires.

hidden truths, Sep 08 2005

Kevlar Protera http://www.google.c...r=&q=Kevlar+Protera
Couldn't find a particularly good link, so I linked the google page. Many pages about body armour and one about condoms. [hidden truths, Sep 08 2005]

Definition of "bodoy" http://www.websters...glish/bo/bodoy.html
To imply, mean or signify [wagster, Sep 08 2005]


       So instead of shooting you they will drown you, poison you, quarter you, rip your suit off and shoot you anyway and sell the suit.   

       I understand security measures but this is taking it to far. The higher the security, the higher the desire to shoot someone. If (say) Bush would walk around without security we would not shoot him, we would throw a pie in his face, help him clean up afterwards and invite him for lunch and a couple of beers. That's the way people work. What kind of world I think I live in? You want to join us?   

       + but just for the imagery.
zeno, Sep 08 2005

       good invention, so + but   

       I also think too much protection = less quality of life. If you're that afraid get out of the public eye. Hmmm I think Howard Hughs would have used such a thing.   

       [zeno], pres don't drink beer no more, better offer him tea/ [Ian], brilliant imagination
dentworth, Sep 08 2005

       No point in having joints, you couldn’t move anyway. Do a quick calculation and you’ll see the suit would require some two cubic feet of laminated material. The weight of that is about four hundred pounds.
ldischler, Sep 08 2005

       Bodoy armour is fantastic, it shields the wearer from any stray meanings or implications. (link)
wagster, Sep 08 2005

       \\So instead of shooting you they will drown you, poison you, quarter you, rip your suit off and shoot you anyway and sell the suit.\\ I'm not quite sure how you would intend for someone to quarter you with something like this on.   

       Point well taken [wags].
hidden truths, Sep 17 2005

       //Do a quick calculation and you’ll see the suit would require some two cubic feet of laminated material. The weight of that is about four hundred pounds.//   

       Mental note: Scratch polycarbonate scale-mail off of "to halfbake" list, pending quick calculations.
ye_river_xiv, Mar 12 2008

       All heads of state should be required to wear this. Then, crowds of protestors that disagree with their policies could democratically assasinate them by each holding a small mirror to reflect the sun at them.   

       Next public appearance I attend I'm taking a mirror. At the very least it will really piss someone off .oO(hmm, I could colour in parts of the mirror so that it says "TWAT"). I'd better take a laser pointer too, just in case it's cloudy.
marklar, Mar 13 2008


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