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Biology Experiment
Ask the below question and put the response into one of two categories. | |
Do this with people you know. I've tried it on 4 people so
far and the results are exciting.
Here's the question to ask and how to ask it:
QUESTION: Whats the first thing you want answered
you read this headline:
Teen caught driving 191 mph in his father's car more
than triple
the speed limit.
Dont think about it too much, its not a riddle or a test.
Just first question that comes into your mind. This is for
OK, Now mark your answer in one of the two columns.
you ask about the car or the person? My first thought was
"What kind of car was it?" My wife said "Where was he
going?" (like was it an emergency or something) My
daughter said "Was he nuts?". I then asked a buddy and
said "Must have been a nice car.".
Get where we're going here? Do men ask about the car
women ask about the situation with the person driving
You can be part of this and I'd love to hear the
of men asking about the car vs women asking about the
person. Will this trend continue? Is there anything to
If I get anybody to try this I'll put the tally at the top
annotation line.
Now if you're anything like me, you're deeply offended
by somebody on the internet asking you to do ANYTHING,
and I completely understand that. But I'm not asking you
to cut and paste something stupid like "Please send this
to everybody you know if you love puppies." It's
completely fine to ignore this, throw a bone if you wish,
I will completely understand.
But aren't you a little curious?
OK, Fine.
https://en.m.wikipe...Delusions_of_Gender [pertinax, May 14 2020]
First thought "What was he doing without a laser/radar detector and countermeasures system operational ?" |
So question about the car. Check. |
And by the way, the cop needs to have his radar
calibrated but that's beside the point. |
Hmm, on second thought, is that a question about
the car or the state of
the person driving it? |
Might have to put an "OTHER" category in there. |
OK, I'll put up an O category as my dreams of
getting a Nobel prize in psychology slowly collapse. |
By the way, the M stands for men, W for women, C
for (question about the) car and P for (question
about the) person obviously. |
Actually, I think 8ths question is about the person. |
My question was "where did this happen?" when I first heard the story, which was not here. I mean I first heard it not here, not that it happened not here, which it did. |
// aren't you a little curious? |
Considerably uncurious, in fact, however I am glad for you to have stumbled across something so seemingly profound, [doctor3]. |
I thought, "who let a teenager in a car that quick?" followed
by: "Where is straight/quiet enough to do that?" |
Ok, so it's the first one that counts, I'm putting that
in the P, or person category. |
By the way, obviously no right or wrong on these.
Greately appreciate the input. |
There was a teenager in the UK who was obnoxiously rich and
generally obnoxious. He was learning to drive, and to
demonstrate his general obnoxiousness, chose to take his test
in a Ferrari F40 (191 mph capable). He immediately and
wonderfully failed because the car was left hand drive. |
Whoa, hold on a second, I have no idea who's a guy
and who's a gal here. |
Tatt, I assumed you were a guy. BsO, I know you're
guy. From Australia too so you get double guy
8th: guy. |
Not sure about everybody else. Blissy and Xen are
wonderful women but I think that's it. |
If I'm wrong about any of these I apologize of
course. |
And by the way as nobody has aske what kind of car
it was so far, guess that theory is dust. |
For whoever cares, which is apparantly nobody so far,
it was a Mercedes C63 AMG. |
No, because the number of "production" road-legal vehicles capable of that speed is a fairly small set. |
There are of course various one-offs and adapted/customised versions of standard models, but they tend to be the province of experienced drivers who are far too smart to get nabbed by some flatfooted cop. |
Now I'm trying to work out, that of all the 191+mph capable
cars, what is the most likely? |
Could be one of the supercars, but, they're not common,
very conspicuous, and likely Dad would keep it locked, in a
locked building - what with teenagers being teenagers. |
Much more common, would be one of the German Uber-
barges. Most come factory limited to 150mph or so, but
some don't (Alpina BMWs for example) and it's a common
enough mod to remove the limit. Then there's a couple of
Jags and Bentley's that will do it, not even that expensive. |
Like I said, I think the cop's radar gun needs
calibration. |
I don't think the thing was modified. Frankly I think it
didn't happen at all as reported. Technical glitch. |
I wanted to confirm what the speed limit was - a quick
calculation yielded approximately 60mph, which makes it a
b-road, I guess? |
I'm putting that in O, other. |
Your name is Tom so I'm assuming. |
I don't have enough data to make the O category
worth having
male and female O categories yet but we'll see. |
My response was, Why are you asking me this question? Why are you showing me this uninteresting headline? |
i.e my response was not about the person, or the car, it was about you, [doctorremulac3]. That doesn't fit into either category. |
Another friend asked "Where?". O gets another one. |
LOL, ok, another firmly in the "Other" category
another friend. |
"Hell yea! That's awesome!". |
By far, my favorite answer of the day. |
Wait, hold on, that wasn't a question! |
Let me go back and give him another chance. |
OK, his question was "What was he driving."
Another vote to bolster my quickly dying theory. |
By the way, thanks again to all who put their anger
aside and answered. |
Might add, I was thinking of putting in a "Fuck You For
Asking" category but was pretty sure that would be
far and away the one that got the most votes so I
stuck with the other 5. |
Got a woman: "Where?". That's "Other". |
She actually said "Where? What kind of car?'
but it's the first one that counts. |
What kind of idiot lends a teenager a car that can do 191mph ? was the only question that came to mind. |
(I read the original article... last week ? but I don't recall any questions coming to mind) |
I mean, if I thought about it, it could end up as "What kind of dumbass world do we live in where somebody who has enough money to buy a car that can do 191mph is stupid enough to lend it to his kid ?" |
I think my first question was
"what the sort of car was that?" |
Are you not breaking down the O category by gender?
It's probably best to collect everyones question rather than categorise it directly. Because you
might decide that a different set of catagories would be edifying. For example, a lot of the
'other' questions are essentially technical, and I imagine a technical/psychological split might be
appropriate. |
There's a test you can do online (perhaps one of many) which tells you whether your brain is
masculine or feminine, both ("androgenous") or neither ("undifferentiated"). It's just a series of
questions about stuff you like. Turns out I'm both (which is apparently considered quite healthy).
Mainly because I go up stairs two at a time, sometimes set stuff on fire for fun, but also like to
make stuff.
But anyway, I think that your evaluation here falls along those lines. |
It would be interesting to know what the largest multiple of the (specific) road speed limit ever
observed is. Obviously long straight low-traffic roads have the advantage of potential high
speeds, but my money is on some town-centre road with a low limit.
Actually strike that - it's probably the car which was clocked going at surprising speed due to a
jet-fighter fly-over.
At least, until it's rigged by the thrust-SSC team for publicity purposes. |
//What kind of idiot lends a teenager a car that
do 191mph ?// |
Like I said, there are no wrong or right answers,
that's probably my new favorite. |
//Are you not breaking down the O category
by gender?// |
I was thinking of that until I realized I'd have no
idea what to do with that data. |
The theory is that women are more about the
human side of this and men are more interested
the part that goes "Vvrrrooom!!!" or "Vrooooom
BOOM!". |
So this is what I got from the "Other" category. If
I'm going to get any useful comparison between
men and women (which in this political climate is
sort of verboten, making it all that much more
interesting and fun) I'm going to need to get rid of
information that doesn't prove my point. (Hey, I
know how scientific research really works.) |
So anything that's a question that's not a about car
or human needs to be gotten rid of by being given
in the question. "Where was it?", "Who gave it to
him?" needs to be in the story. |
In the future, I'll put those details in so the only
info missing is details about the driver's motivation
or other human factor and details about the car. |
This is how science works: |
1- Decide what you want the research to indicate. |
3- Do only experiments that bear out your thesis,
throw away results that show you're wrong. |
4- Stand on stage pointing to graphs and charts
while waving your hands around. |
5- Blame the crappy results on funding cuts. |
I thought, "where is the trick part of the trick question?", and something kind of like "is this a meme where I do not get the funny part" at the same time. M, 53 |
It's a funny trick question. |
The trick part is it's not funny. |
First I started to figure out what 191 mph is in km's but then took a tangent to what car did this kids dad have anyway that goes faster than I can work out before being distracted? |
So I need to address that too. |
Just list all the outlyer questions and put them in
story. |
Here's what I realized, at some point, everybody
asks about the car once it gets far enough beyond
the standard deviation. (that's me trying to sound
sciency) |
"A kid was caught driving a car 750 miles per
hour..." is going to get 100% "What kind of car was
it?". 191 can be achieved by a production car,
which we CAN assume because if it was a modified
race car that would have probably been mentioned
in the story. |
"A teen from Atlanta Georgia was pulled over after
being caught driving his father's car 191 MPH (307
KPH) on a joy ride." |
The joy ride gets rid of the "Where was he going?"
question. The city and state gets covered. |
That should limit all questions to "What kind of car
was it?" and "What the hell's wrong with the kid/
dad/world we live in/society etc." |
Hmm. Unfortunately, the "joy ride" part speaks to
motivation so scratch that. How about this? |
"A teen driving between Houston and Dallas Texas
pulled over after
being caught driving his father's car 191 MPH (307
KPH) |
OK where do I fall into your equations here? |
The very first question that sprang to mind was .. nothing. |
I tried again .. still nothing. |
I gave it another go & took my time about it .. yep,
nothing. |
The headline evinced not a smidge of curiosity in me
about, well, anything really. |
Does this mean I'm an asexual eunuch? |
//OK where do I fall into your equations here?// |
You didn't have any questions? Did you drink your coffee yet?
It's important to drink a lot of coffee. It makes you yell at
the news. |
FWIW, My response was like what [pocmloc] said, which,
in turn, is comparable to what [skewed] said. More
specifically, I was imagining that I had seen the headline
on a news site, and was thinking "Why has this site
decided to show me this story (instead of other stories
which I might consider more newsworthy)? What does
this tell me about the algorithm which selects the stories,
and how much (if anything) it knows about me?" |
[dr3], you might like to consider a third category of
response, in which the first question is neither about the
driver nor about the car but about the headline itself.
That category would include at least three people and, I
suspect, rather more than that. The category would be
particularly popular, I suspect, among people who had
studies Humanities subjects to tertiary level. |
Bu how do I eliminate that 3rd area? I can't comment
on the headline on the headline to answer questions
about the headline itself. |
Maybe I could, but I'm not sure what that would look
like. |
Four categories perhaps then. |
Q. about the headline or news service |
I really did have nothing. |
//Did you drink your coffee yet?// |
Yep, the regulation pre-dump three unit cups, worked a
treat. |
//I'm not sure what that would look like// |
Post-modernism, I'm afraid. |
"What car was it?" Straight away. No hesitation. |
Also, Mercedes AMG something. |
You're O, "other". "What kind of idiot lets his kid drive
a car like that." |
Hey, wait a second, that's not other, that's asking
about the human element. |
Well, OK, I think these results are pretty
conclusive: |
Men overwhelmingly ask about the car first unless:
b) they fail to not ask other questions
besides those not pertaining to questions other
than those
not pertaining to the car. |
But I'm going to need a pretty big government
grant to
continue this research. |
First thought: <calculates speed limit> My son's response was "What
kind of car was it?" |
Excellent! Buy him something nice. Put you down for
"other" for the
speed limit thing. It's calculating, cold and inhumane, but
it's not the car. Maybe I should change it to "Human" or
"Not Human"
based questions. |
Only have 4 or 5 woman votes so far though. Need some
more of those to test the "human" vs "machine" interest
factor. Here's what I'm hoping to hear to back my theory,
like: |
Woman: "Oh my god, the poor boy, why was their not
enough love and caring in his life to drive him to such
recklessness! |
Man: "Damn! That's gotta be one sweet ride! To be
controllable at that speed by a stupid kid there has to be
some badass engineering in that suspension alone." |
I think women are more nurturing than men while we're
more about making things then blowing them up. |
Clever; you've made a theory, and any man who tries to blow it
up is just confirming it. |
Hypothetically, though, it would be very vulnerable to women
blowing it up. What woman would do such a thing? Well, isn't
there a specific MFD category for stereotyping? And wasn't that
category established by [jutta]? And isn't [jutta] a woman? |
Please don't take this as an attack, though; I'm only saying it out
of concern for your feelings ... bro. ;-) |
But thanks for reminding me that un-sanctioned
questions and thought crimes will not be tolerated. |
There are general differences between men and
women. And that's a good thing. |
I've mentioned before that It's theorized that cro-
magnon won the evolutionary game because males
and females split into different jobs while
neanderthal males and females shared the same
gatherer tasks. Certainly specialization is the core
tenet behind a complicated civilization. Can't have
surgeons, engineers and scientists if everybody had to
do the same thing. |
Would it help if I told you that a very brilliant
woman came up with
that theory? |
But here's the thing about this experiment. Maybe
women ask about the car the exact amount of time
as the men. If that's the truth, the truth is beautiful.
Now if that's not the truth, well, same thing applies. |
Truth is a beautiful thing, no matter what it is. |
I'm not saying your theory isn't true, but it may be harder to test
than you think. I'm sure you're aware of the general
methodological difficulties of separating nature from nurture,
but you might like to read Cordelia Fine on this subject.
Although, in my opinion, some of her conclusions are mistaken,
she's very reasonable and well informed. |
Sounds interesting, Ill check her out. |
And of course I might be wrong about this, thats
what experiments are for. |
And this is hardly a scientific experiment obviously. |
Kudos for the kid; everyone needs a hobby. Needs must
when the devil drives or something. M, 58. |
I started driving at 13 (16 is the legal age) so I'm not one
be pointing fingers. What were they going to do, take my
license away? I also remember being a kid and
"testing" what a car could do. It's actually come in handy,
learned to turn into a skid to regain traction. They don't
teach that in driver's ed. At least not in actual practice. |
I'd tell the kid to try to be careful but I'm guessing he
probably wouldn't listen to me. |
You know, it's not discussed a lot but kids are actually
quite stupid. |
// kids are actually quite stupid // |
"Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that
comes from bad judgement." -- Will Rogers |
"Experience is the harshest teacher, because she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards" |
Where'd you that that on 8th? It's friggin' brilliant! Don't
make me compliment you. |
Phew! Thank god. Thanks K. |
Went for the calculation first to get a handle on the type of road, then the state of the driver. So neutral-feminine in this scene fragment, conveyed by written word. |
//Blissy and Xen are wonderful women//Ha - just
noticed that. Wonderful yes, but the French
female story was just a joke Max and I shared.
Keep it up if you want, but now that Max is gone,
it no longer makes much sense. |
I was thinking similarly. |
// Tatt, I assumed you were a guy. |
Sufficient for your purposes, [doc3]. |
There's pigeonholing and there's trends. It's ok to
look at
trends if you keep in mind the very good rule that
we all
should be viewed the exact same under the laws
rules of society, but other than that, it's OK and
natural to
be different. |
I've known enough women and men to conclusively
they're GENERALLY different and in a very good
way. And not just
physically. |
By the way, a world without women would be a
place. Nature knew what it was doing when it
designed us
the way it did. My examination of it is a
celebration of its
beauty and I'm willing to accept the way it is as
the way
it should be. I'm also suspicious of concepts of
gender that the fascists try from time to time. Call
everybody "comrade" or "they" rather than sir,
ma'm, he,
she etc. Telling people what words they have to
use is a
test the totalitarians like to use, "Who's following
and who's
not? Are they using the state approved pronouns?". |
As far as me being open minded, let me put it this
way, if this test came back
women had a question about the car 90 percent of
time, and men had a question about the person 90
percent of the time, I'd love that because I'd learn
something. I was kidding when I said I fall in love
with the
idea first then try to prove it. I'm not a
funded scientist, that's what they do. This is just a
Sunday afternoon project. And again, without a
bigger test group and a re-worded question to get
rid of
all the "other" questions this is about as un-
scientific as
you can get. |
That being said, it's a mildly interesting query to
make. |
Ultimately a mind is a mind. Unless you need more. |
| |