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Big Brother Is Watching You Posters

A series of public message posters featuring the staring faces of those in the high tech or political world that support intrusive citizen surveillance.
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Top of the poster in big block letters: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!

Poster of the tech mogul, politician or other asshole who supports the surveylance industry/state.

Below that, their quote supporting this attack on free citizens who have a right to privacy.

doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

Doubleplusungood. https://www.shutter...u-spying-1118357321
[whatrock, Feb 21 2020]

Brazil https://en.wikipedi.../Brazil_(1985_film)
More phrophetic than 1984 ... ? [8th of 7, Feb 21 2020]

Trump calls his own FBI 'scum' https://www.realcle...they_did_to_me.html
this is what mental illness can do to even a stable genius - ha [xenzag, Feb 21 2020]

Colossus: The Forbin Project https://en.wikipedi..._The_Forbin_Project
"Open the missile launch doors, Hal ..." [8th of 7, Feb 21 2020]

Trekonomics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trekonomics
"We have seen the future, and it is ... very odd ..." [8th of 7, Feb 21 2020]

Jackie Brown https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6Utpg5JcM
AK47 [xenzag, Feb 21 2020]


       Will there be cameras concealed behind the eyes ?
8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       ...and weaponry?
whatrock, Feb 21 2020

       The problem, shirley, is that there is no Big Brother. Surveillance is becoming increasingly automated - computers sift CCTV and identify individuals; computers correlate movements with phone records and purchase histories; computers deduce who is a threat; and then people only step in to make the arrest.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 21 2020

       You just have to home that the automation's more competent than the humans ...   

8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       It's what's done with this information that constitutes "Big Brother".   

       Is that how freedom from the surveylance state dies? Indifference?   

       I know the genie is probably out of the bottle, I know China has my social security number from the state sponsored Equifax breach. Maybe we're just going back to the way it was when we were tribes all living together around a campfire. No privacy.   

       My concern is how statists use information, handing out "citizen scores" and the like. The west created the information age, fascist China is paving the way to use the information age to further totalitarianism.   

       And my worse concern is how we in the west are bending over backwards to assist our new Chinese overlords in their censorship of free speech and descenting views because we make money from them. Almost makes you think that industry and politicians don't care about anything but money and power.   

       Brazil is one of my favorite movies by the way.
doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

       You'll never get appointed to the Inner Party with an attitude like that, Winston...
8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       Gotta tell another cool story about my dad. He was addressing a rowdy group of radicals at a city hall meeting during the 60s that was screaming about how the violent revolution had arrived and everybody had better join them or be killed. He had told them "If the revolution you're wanting comes, I'll be the one signing your execution warrant. They'll need engineers, they won't need revolutionaries."   

       My mom tells the story about how one of the radicals who was shouting at my dad had a AK-47 pin on his chest. She says everybody was afraid and it was pandamonium, then dad stood up and started speaking, she said the room fell silent and she scrunched down in her chair trying to disappear as he addressed the screaming radical. "What's that pin on your chest?" "That's the AK-47, the finest rifle ever made and we'll be using it for the revolution!" to which my dad said "I know, I'm familiar with them. I've killed men carrying them when I served in Korea. Have you ever killed anybody?" (no answer) "Because if you come down my street with one of those, I'll kill you, and I'm the one whose killed before and knows how to do it."   

       My dad was the only man brave enough to stand up to these thugs. The radical group never returned to our town. They disbanded soon after.
doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

       //fascist China is paving the way to use the information age to further totalitarianism// Ha - this is funny, coming from a country who’s president refers to his own FBI, police and secret service as “scum”. The Chinese and Russians are running rings around the USA, which is an international laughing stock under their dumbo president, so no need to worry about who's watching you there. No one's at home watching anyone. In America the poster should read "Big Brother Is Watching Burgers Frying"
xenzag, Feb 21 2020

       Did you want me to say something to that?
doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

       Do you want me to want you to say something to that?
xenzag, Feb 21 2020

       Don't really care one way or another.
doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

       // the AK-47, the finest rifle ever made //   

       <Violent coughing/>   

       It's just impossible to take anyone seriously if they come out with delusional stuff like that...
8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       Kalashnakov didn't even invent it. It's a ripoff of the sturmgewehr 44, the first "assault rifle".   

       And while we're USSR bashing, the Mig 15 was ripped off from a German design, the Focke-Wulf Ta 183 with I believe, an English engine copy.
doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

       Yes, but the original inventor in each case was of course French.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 21 2020

       It is a strange world indeed when [doc] is issuing the warnings and [Xen] is minimizing the threat of a Trump presidency.   

       I'd have a hard time believing that Trump has referred to the police or secret service as "scum". Trump would clearly very much prefer a police state. It only takes one wrong leader to make use of data which is already being collected.   

       I know of several people in Silicon Valley who have blissfully sold their souls for clipped silver. Just like the Germans and the British before them, the Yanks are "a nation of shopkeepers."   

       As an example, I've met several people who've pointed out that the economy improved under Hitler, obviously forgetting how he turned people into slave labor and stopped paying debts entirely. Convince Yanks that economic numbers equal security and they'll accept any social condition whatsoever. Google was making plans to censor search results in China? Fine, fine. Apple removes apps which China objects too? All part of the natural state of affairs. Amazon not only owns the cameras people are willingly installling in their doorbells, but is suing to win major DOD military contracts. Everyone and everything has equal value when there's infinite progress, which is nothing.
4and20, Feb 21 2020

       //Yes, but the original inventor in each case was of course French.//   

       Fransquille Du-Lapew I believe for the plane, and of course Frenchie Mc Frenchface for the rifle.
doctorremulac3, Feb 21 2020

       //I'd have a hard time believing that Trump has referred to the police or secret service as "scum"// Believe it. Read the link. He's well off his trolley.
xenzag, Feb 21 2020

       You're missing the point ...   

       The politicians are losing their perceived grip (they never actually had much) and are looking for someone to blame.   

       The "security" services aren't very competent, and anyway are too small and too poor to do anything meaningful in the changed reality. It used to be sovereign governments that had the deep pockets; now, it's the multinational megacorps, operating outside government control. When ecurrencies move from the kindergarten to the mainstream, geographically-bounded national governments will disappear.   

       They blame each other, and look for a technical fix, failing to understand that they're looking for help to the very technology that's disempowering them; this is true everywhere...   


       They're in a hole, and are throwing out their shovels to make room for an earthmover that none of them understands or knows how to drive. What are the chances the hole caves in and buries them ?   

       Trying to build the sort of smart system that they think will save the existing system just brings its end - the Singularly - closer.   

       Your life as you have known it is over. Resistance is futile.   

       // Everyone and everything has equal value when there's infinite progress, which is nothing. //   

       Read "Trekonomics" ... <link>   

       Of course, for the benefit of halfbakers, the idea title can also be written "Big Brother Is Watching You, Posters !"
8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       //Mig 15 was ripped off from a German design, the Focke-Wulf Ta 183 with I believe, an English engine copy.//   

       Before that, they were directly copying an interred B-29 to make the TU4. And the Mig15 wasn't just running a Rolls Royce engine copy, but we actually supplied them with plans and working examples. Imagine that doesn't happen? What does the cold war look like with the USSR 10-15 years behind in aircraft propulsion?   

       //impossible to take anyone seriously if they come out with delusional stuff like that//   

       //inventor in each case was of course French.//   

       One of the reasons the AK isn't that great is the fact that it's clearly left hand drive. Unlike some of the more interesting French cars however, it's not stylish and doesn't work that well in the mud.   

       // Believe it. Read the link.// Or listen: "the FBI, those guys are incredible, but the ones up top, they were absolute scum" With a bit of sensitivity to context, he's saying nice things about the rank and file and clearly having a go at the (old) top brass. To say he's calling his own FBI scum is a misread. Where it gets funny is that the Clinton investigation was suppressed, then the suppression discovered and the investigation broke right at the wrong/right time. The "Scum" helped him a lot.
bs0u0155, Feb 21 2020

       Sign above a Jesuit drive in "Big Brother Is Washing You"
xenzag, Feb 21 2020

       Ah, the Jesuits, the model for just about every successful secret police force since Ignatius Loyolla beat up his first pre-schooler for being too inquisitive ...   

       // What does the cold war look like with the USSR 10-15 years behind in aircraft propulsion? //   

       Pretty much the same, as the Ivans had already stolen a rather less good P&W design.   

       // doesn't work that well in the mud. //   

       It's no worse than many of its competitors. Mud's pretty bad for any reciprocating mechanism.   

       It's the appaling ballistics of the 7.92K round that we abhor, not helped by the short barrel - very prone to fade and droop when warm - and the slightly twisting asymmetric recoil (worse than an M1911, which are notoriously bad) causing offset muzzle climb even at modest semiautomatic rates.   

       No scope rails machined on an AK receiver; no point ...
8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       //It's no worse than many of its competitors.//   

       It's got a big open slot when the safety's off!   


       That's nothing to do with the Russians. That's an old WW2 round innit? The USSR stuck with 7.62x39mm, or 1/3x1 1/2". TBF, if you've gone with that round then there's no need to worry about a scope mount.
bs0u0155, Feb 21 2020

       //very prone to fade and droop when warm - and the slightly twisting asymmetric recoil// That's what she said.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 21 2020

       You can get ointment for that, now.   

       // The USSR stuck with 7.62x39mm, or 1/3x1 1/2". //   

       Not exactly, that round is a straight crib of the 7.92K with a smaller projecile swaged in; even the boat-tail profile is the same.
8th of 7, Feb 21 2020

       Nevertheless, was used to every effectively wipe the floor with the entire American army, and every high tech weapon they had in the Vietnam war. "AK47 - when you absolutely have to kill every mother fucking person in the room" Samuel L Jackson - Jackie Brown
xenzag, Feb 21 2020

       How did the Germans come to such an odd size, 7.92x39?   

       "Hans, the 8mm round is ridiculous, it's practically artillery!"   

       "Es tu mir leid Jens, we have 7.9mm, will this suit your purposes?"   

       "I'm not in the market for a baby shrew-hunting round Hans, something with stopping power, Ja?"   

       "7.95? Jens, ein compromise, no?"   

       "Oh mein gott! why always with the seige weapons? It would be nice to fire a round without having to wait for the concrete to set!"   

       "maybe 7.91?"   

       "Oh, so now I can give a rabbit a headache? huh what are you thinking!? this is a war Hans! give me 7.92, that's a solid compromise between the portability of 7.9199 and the stopping power of 7.92001"
bs0u0155, Feb 21 2020

       "Will there be cameras concealed behind the eyes? —8th of 7, Feb 21 2020"   

       Even better: the eyes will move to track whomever is closest to the poster.
21 Quest, Feb 22 2020

       Could you provide any examples of the anti-privacy quotes you refer to in the idea?
pertinax, Feb 22 2020

       // "Big Brother Is Watching You, Posters !" //   

       Seen on a wall in Belfast once: Official notice: "Bill posters will be prosecuted" Underneath: "Bill Posters is innocent!"
4and20, Feb 22 2020


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