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Bad Science Theme Park

If it doesn't work... it's probably here.
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Exclusively for halfbakers, the Bad Science Theme Park is home to many of the more dubious halfbakery 'inventions'.

By their very nature, most of the halfbakery "bad science" ideas could never be created, but the rides at this park are themed in the style of the original ideas. Enjoy flying cars (on rails), or better still pedal a downhill bike for the afternoon. Find out how to use gold to save the Louisiana coastline, or marvel at the Vegas-style re-enactment of NASA saving the planet by changing it's mass.

No theme park would be complete without a mascot - look out for the giant scowling Juttas walking around the park, occasionally having a sly kick at the corner of one of the rides.

Fishrat, Aug 16 2006

Exhibit A http://www.besse.at/sms/smsintro.html
[moomintroll, Aug 16 2006]

Bad Science Theme Park http://www.creationmuseum.org/
[zen_tom, Jun 02 2008]

God - Right? Wrong? Nonexistent? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/overbaked
Discuss it in overbaked. [jutta, Jun 03 2008]


       Will there be a punctuation pedant area? (Hint: there should be.)
angel, Aug 16 2006

       great idea for a video game.   

monojohnny, Aug 16 2006

       Aren't you supposed to put two spaces after a colon, [angel]?
nineteenthly, Aug 16 2006

       All the rides will appear to be powered by perpetual motion machines.
hippo, Aug 16 2006

       Isn't there a religious theme park just outside some midwest shithole that preaches Genesis as the good old-fashioned truth, just like mom used to make it?   

       Could we double up? Religion and ludicrous technology. A winning combination, methinks.
neuro, Aug 16 2006

       //Aren't you supposed to put two spaces after a colon//

Not to my knowledge. In any event, HTML compacts white space, so even if I had done so, you wouldn't notice.
angel, Aug 16 2006

       The double-spacing after colons and full stops (periods, to all you USans) is what's known as 'French Spacing'. It's a matter of style, and as angel said HTML gets rid of it anyway.   

       Bun for the idea.
dbmag9, Aug 16 2006

       French spacing:   like this?
Ling, Aug 16 2006

       Sort of half-assed bad science, because the most spectacularly bad ones are gone.
ldischler, Aug 16 2006

       All the electricity would be powered by a selection of perpetual motion machines.   

       This could work really well if there were little notices next to everything explaining why they don't work. It could be very educational.
dbmag9, Aug 16 2006

       //This could work really well if there were little notices next to everything explaining why they don't work.//   

       Yeah, except the little notices would be really long as bakers debate about the merits of the physic laws being broken.   

       Although that gives me another idea-   

       Have all the notices be monitors displaying that one idea live from the halfbakery. Then people could read the entire debate about why it wouldn't work and why adding custard could fix everything as the debate was taking place.
NotTheSharpestSpoon, Aug 16 2006

       One of the rides should involve pirates... oops, Disney has got that one... I wonder if they've been reading the 'bakery? Hmm.
zigness, Aug 16 2006

       Custard snacks. lots of them.
Voice, Aug 16 2006

       //The double-spacing after.....// Thanks. I didn't know that.
Zimmy, Aug 16 2006

       //Thanks. I didn't know that.// You're welcome. I did.
dbmag9, Aug 16 2006

       Can we stretch the meaning of 'bad' science to include science carried out against the general public good? Perhaps have some kind of roundabout where the various animals’ heads have been needlessly transplanted onto different bodies. Likewise, we might have a candy floss and hotdog stall that doubles as bio-weapons laboratory.
zen_tom, Aug 16 2006

       //giant scowling Juttas walking around the park//   

       Um, I'm already giant and scowling. Can I have that job?
baconbrain, Aug 16 2006

       //All the rides will appear to be powered by perpetual motion machines.//   

       Actually, it's powered by a cat strapped to buttered toast, so you're not far from the truth...
Fishrat, Aug 16 2006

       + Two tickets for the Hullaballoon ride please.
xandram, Aug 16 2006

       Me too. I wanna go on the Hullaballon!   

       Fishrat: What are you talking about? Isn't this only meant to be things which can't work?
dbmag9, Aug 16 2006

       All concessions drenched in Liquid Bacon. Yum.
pigtails_and_ponies, Aug 17 2006

       And all the furniture should be helium filled.
DrCurry, Aug 17 2006

       Never mind Bad Science Theme Park, I wanna go to WIBNI-Land!
imaginality, Sep 30 2006

       you're in it.
po, Sep 30 2006

       Bad Science! No biscuit!
elhigh, Nov 01 2006

       Now and then a ride would be closed with a wooden plank that says "BAKED - SEE LINKS"... Then you'd have to play a round of golf on "The Links" where each hole has a little piece of paper in the hole directing you to an Internet site.
phundug, Nov 01 2006

       Thirsty? Have a nice ice cold fusion.
r_kreher, Jun 02 2008

       can I have the manna/carbon-projectile franchise ?
FlyingToaster, Jun 02 2008

       A creationist reviewer on [tom]'s link rather shoots himself in the foot I feel:   

       //The Creation Museum goes far beyond mere science. It doesn’t elevate man’s intellect by using science to “prove” Scripture. Instead, God’s Word is placed first and human reason is last.//   

       Yes, good work, put human reason last. That'll help.
theleopard, Jun 03 2008

       //A creationist reviewer on [tom]'s link rather shoots himself in the foot I feel// //God’s Word is placed first and human reason is last//   

       Think of the audience, then explain how he shoots himself in the foot.   

       Are you saying that someone who believes in God would put human reasoning before God’s reasoning? I have studied both and never found God”s Word to be wrong (though many time man’s interpretation of God’s Word is way off base) Man however has been wrong so very many times.
Ozone, Jun 03 2008

       His audience should be non-biased, but I take your point.   

       However, the bible was written by men and consequently the words of God are a direct result of human reason. God's reasoning, therefore, is a tributary of human reasoning.   

       Whether you think those particular men writing the Bible were more right than your collectively bracketed "Man" is a matter of opinion.
theleopard, Jun 03 2008

       Well there are stories like Noahs' Flood, which are hard to believe. Can you really fit 2 of every species of land animal into a wooden boat? Is this boat supposed to withstand a couple of hundred meters of rainfall a day?   

       There is reason to doubt whether the Bible is 100% true. This means Gods' word cannot be verified as truth. Either the Bible is not entirely Gods' word or Gods' word is not completely correct.
Bad Jim, Jun 03 2008

       Perhaps ancient archeologists found stuff on the bottom of the Mediterannean ("whoa, how did that happen?). Anyways, you wouldn't need *every* animal, just the ones that were only native to the locale (+ domestic animals to get the farms up and running). Anyways, I still want "airborne bagel" franchise.
FlyingToaster, Jun 04 2008

       I had too much to place in here as an annotation. If interested see Noah's Flood. If not don't.
Ozone, Jun 04 2008

       Sorry about that. A theme park would probably be a lot more fun if it stuck to unfeasible inventions rather than picking holes in religous holy books. In times like these it would probably be safer too.   

       I'd be interested to know how you plan to set up all those space elevator ideas
Bad Jim, Jun 04 2008

       This is in response to theleopard...   

       If we make the claim that the Bible is the word of God then we presupose his existance. Therefore being God would he not have the ability to ensure that his works were transcribed how he saw fit?   

       If he created everything and saw that it was good, having the infinite mind of God he did see prior all that was to come as a result of his creations and decrees. Therefore nothing that has or will happen will or has been without the prior acceptance of it coming to pass. If it would not be tollerated then things would have been altered by him or created differently to compensate for such things.   

       So here we go even beyond the Bible, and into every singular conciousness around the world to whom the Gospel has been presented. Do they not recive it and interpret it as God has preordained?   

       Ask the questions and seek the answers, if the questions imply that there is now answer suitable and therefore the premis is absurdity, remember that others have likely found the answer, that is those who have gone further than you, it may not be your everyday believer, but there are many who hold solid cases for God, Jesus, and the Bible.   

       “The infidelity of the Gentile world, and that more especially of men of rank and learning in it, is resolved into a principle which, in my judgment, will account for the inefficacy of any argument, or any evidence whatever, viz. contempt prior to examination.” -William Paley (A View of the Evidences of Christianity, 1794)
wuhisn, Jun 05 2008

       Except that free will presupposes the ability to deliberately transcribe a given holy book as the writer desires rather than as a deity desires.   

       Since we know that several of the most common translations of the bible were translated with political agendas in mind, (The King James version being the best example) it is therefore accurate to say that an inspired translation is incompatible with a belief in free will. If you believe in predestination, you are welcome to do so, but as for me, "'no mystical energy field controls *my* destiny"
MechE, May 25 2010

       Gravity, perhaps. You are destined to orbit the sun until you expire.
RayfordSteele, May 25 2010


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