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Anti-Missile Missile Missile

ICBM Defense Defense
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Equip ICBMs with anti-missile missiles to defeat anti-ballistic missiles intended to defeat ballistic missiles.
nuclear hobo, Mar 22 2007

Recursion Alert! Anti-Missile_20Missile_20Missile
Repeat - Recursion Alert! [methinksnot, Mar 26 2007]

catapault that catapaults catapaults http://uncyclopedia...Catapults_Catapults
They also mention guns that shoot guns that shoot knives [bleh, Apr 12 2007]

list of weapons that shoot other weapons http://uncyclopedia...shoot_other_Weapons
[bleh, Apr 12 2007]

Pun Monkey Pun_20monkey
For the Russian joke. [Hunter79764, Apr 12 2007]


       Definitely. Then go to anti-anti-missile missile missiles and so on, then eventually when national defence budgets account for more than half the world's gdp, people might decide that it's cheaper to stop pointing big rockets at each other.   

       Actually, I doubt it, they'll probably just suggest building a laser defence system to protect the anti-star-wars missile grid from being destroyed by the star-wars satellites' onboard anti-anti-star-wars missile grid ballistic defences.
wagster, Mar 22 2007

nomocrow, Mar 22 2007

       Recursion Alert!! - Repeat - Recursion Alert!!
gnomethang, Mar 22 2007

       I think the ICBMs should be designed to kill anti-missile missiles. That way, when the enemy shoots anti-missiles at them, then you just laugh at the foolish enemy, "Ha-ha! We shot down your vaunted anti-missile missiles!"   

       That'll show 'em.   

       (Seriously, ICBMs already have anti-anti-missile missiles. They're called decoys. The enemy anti-missile missiles do all the hard work of actually doing the hitting and stuff. The decoys just fall through the sky waiting to get hit.)
IJK, Mar 23 2007

       I take your anti-missile missile missiles and raise you an anti-missile missile missile LASER!
xipetotec, Mar 23 2007

       I raise you five insurgents, hidden in a crowd. None of your missiles is allowed to wipe out the crowd, giving you a problem I don't have to consider.
david_scothern, Mar 23 2007

       But... but... we've got bigger missiles!
wagster, Mar 23 2007

       //I take your anti-missile missile missiles and raise you an anti-missile missile missile LASER!// Which are harmlessly reflected off mirror-coated anti-missile missile missile warheads.
nuclear hobo, Mar 23 2007

       > harmlessly reflected off mirror-coated anti-missile missile missile warheads.   

       But not in the sky, where water will condense on the warhead and will get superheated by the laser, damaging the mirror coating and thus allowing the laser to destroy the warhead!
xipetotec, Mar 23 2007

       //where water will condense on the warhead and will get superheated by the laser, damaging the mirror coating and thus allowing the laser to destroy the warhead// Atmospheric friction will vaporize any mositure before it can condense on the warhead.
nuclear hobo, Mar 23 2007

       >Atmospheric friction will vaporize any mositure before it can condense on the warhead.   

       Well, then it sounds like a solid plan to me!
xipetotec, Mar 24 2007

       I'm in favour of anything that vapourises those mositures before they bite me.
wagster, Mar 24 2007

       Naaah! They Genetically Engineer them now, Wags!.
gnomethang, Mar 24 2007

       Allow me to demonstrate the sound effects that this type of thing will probably make!   

       <10,9,...1> shhhhhpppppkkkeeeeewww.... "intruder missile alert, intruder missile b-lert, intruder missile z-lert" ...pppsshhhkeeewwww... intruder anti-missile missile alert "fox 1"... pppshceeww.... blammo... "intruder alert, intruder alert, anti-missile missile has been deactivated"... kablaaaamo!!!.... the end!
quantum_flux, Mar 24 2007

       // Recursion Alert!! - Repeat - Recursion Alert!!   

       Recursion Alert Recursion! - Repeat - Recursion Alert Recursion!!!
TheLightsAreOnBut, Mar 25 2007

wagster, Mar 25 2007

       //This discussion lacks a reference to electronic counter measures.   

       Indeed. Or other, same-recursive-level options, such as...   

       The Anti Anti-Missile Missile Launcher Missile. This would be countered by the Anti Anti Anti-Missile Missile Launcher Missile Missile Equipped Anti-Missile Missile Launcher, of course.
TheLightsAreOnBut, Mar 25 2007

       //Recursion Alert Recursion! - Repeat - Recursion Alert Recus...Ah Forget it! ;-)
gnomethang, Mar 26 2007

       not a new idea, contained within something that is not a new idea, also contained in turn within something that is not a new idea....zzzzzz
xenzag, Mar 26 2007

       Hey, this is just like one of those Russian Dolls.   

       Should an anno complaining of recursion be recursive? Is that not hypocritical?
TheLightsAreOnBut, Mar 26 2007

       how come we cant have a nice discussion about missiles without the russians comin up somewhere in the conversation?
foxphyre, Mar 26 2007

       //Hey, this is just like one of those Russian Dolls.// How can you have ONE Russian Doll??
Cosh i Pi, Apr 11 2007

       //How can you have ONE Russian Doll??//   

       When it's late for a train?
Jinbish, Apr 11 2007

       // How can you have ONE Russian Doll??   

       That's a bit like asking how many gods does a Hindu worship. It depends on your perspective. This neatly summarises people's recursion complaints: At the end of the day, an Anti-Missile Missile Missile, or even an Anti-Missile Missile Missile Missile Missile Missile, is still just a missile. Might as well have an anti-gun gun... HEY! I should post that!   

       [jinbish]: At risk of revealing my true lack of intelligence and humour... Eh?
TheLightsAreOnBut, Apr 11 2007

       How about an Aunty Missile which forces enemy missiles to drink a lukewarm cup of milky tea, eat a stale digestive biscuit (half of which will fall into the tea) and wear an embarrasingly large knitted jumper that she gave it for Christmas thus causing it to veer away from its intended destination and find somewhere else to explode.
DrBob, Apr 11 2007

       What was that about enema missiles?
Cosh i Pi, Apr 11 2007

       [Lightson]: Well, I know that I'm always Russian when I'm late for the train.
Jinbish, Apr 12 2007

       [Jibnish]: That's just begging for a Pun Monkey. [Link]
Hunter79764, Apr 12 2007

       At some point the recursive missiles get too small to be viable. It's impractical to build a missile the size of your finger and small missiles have lower ranges.   

       as for lasers, most things that reenter the atmosphere get very very hot the solution is to use an ablative heat shield, basically something that sheds hot material leaving slightly colder material below(rinse repeat), none of these materials are reflective, even if you could do something about that and make a reflective heat shield the plasma(really hot low density air) that forms around the re entry vehicle isn't reflective, though you would need a pretty powerful laser to do any more dammage than the air already hitting the re entry vehicle is already doing.   

       decoys work better though
RichardT, Apr 21 2010

       Bah, just an anti nuke nuke, that way your sure you've hit the thing!
xxobot, Apr 21 2010

       How about a real anti missile:   

       When the the target is selected and the big red button is pushed, life is restored, rubble rebuilt into a village and as the crowning glory, a device emerges from the centre of the village and consumes a vapour trail all the way back to the launch site.   

       This would have to be followed by the villagers relatives organising large charity events to distribute the cost of rebuilding among members of the public.   

       Details TBA.
Twizz, Apr 21 2010


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