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Animal Teeth Implants

New teeth for you
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Why not implant animal teeth into your mouth or have them modified to look like an animals? You could have a really cool set of fangs and scare irritating people away. Plus, they could be made out of that stuff that they make fake teeth with. It wouldn't be terribly expensive and you could do it with today's level of technology.

You could have many uses for them. If you are a vegetarian, you could get a whole lot of big fat teeth to chew with. Or if you are the opposite, maybe some wolf teeth? They would look really cool and if there is an IRS agent at your doorstep or maybe a salesman, just smile. They wouldn't be yellow like a real animals if you brush your teeth.

It could go with tails for all. [see link]

In response to Letsbuildafort, These teeth would not be acrylic. They would be better, permanent, and made of enamel, the same stuff your real teeth are made of. Your real teeth would be removed and your new teeth would be implanted in a new and painless procedure. Soooooooo . . . . . . NOT BAKED

See Mike Tyson link.

Made better name.

DesertFox, Apr 30 2004

Tails for all http://www.halfbake...a/Tails_20For_20All
A still living discussion about tails [DesertFox, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 06 2004]

Teeth Filing http://www.bmeworld.com/amago/bodmod/
Not an implant, but similar. [Worldgineer, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 06 2004]

Eearios the new mike tyson cereal http://www.ahajokes.com/crt381.html
New Cereal for Athletes [DesertFox, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 06 2004]

http://www.ananova....tory/sm_365440.html http://www.ananova....tory/sm_365440.html
[FarmerJohn, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 06 2004]

(?) teeth-implanted animal http://www.geocitie...rjohnnie/tiger.html
[FarmerJohn, Oct 05 2004]

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       Not recommended for Mike Tyson.
yabba do yabba dabba, Apr 30 2004

       Ganstas and the like have gold, diamond and other crown added onto teeth. I bet if I google I will find a vampire crown for the goth set. Lets see...   

       Nope, no luck. So I guess its bread from me!
bungston, Apr 30 2004

       I've often wished for stainless steel teeth, myself. I imagine stainless steel wolf teeth would be frightening indeed.
deadbird, Apr 30 2004

       //Plus, they could be made out of that stuff that they make fake teeth with//   

       They do. (see link)   

       // It wouldn't be terrbly expensive and you could do it with today's level of technology//   

       About $90-$400 (see link)   

       Also, when you say "They would be better, permanent, and made of enamel, the same stuff your real teeth are made of" following "could be made out of that stuff that they make fake teeth with." I get real confused. And wether or not its baked or not acording to you, I still believe this is a valid point in addition to your magical, painless tooth-replacement idea.
Letsbuildafort, Apr 30 2004

       Wow, Letsbuildafort--that's a pretty long anno with no ALLCAPS words.
yabba do yabba dabba, Apr 30 2004

       Yeah, I'm trying to cut down.
Letsbuildafort, Apr 30 2004

       My aunt had a dentist make her a pair of professional denture-quality vampire fangs. Matched the enamel color and everything, and didn't even charge her for labor, only materials. My aunt is very strange.
5th Earth, Apr 30 2004

       //and scare irritating people away//
What about the non-irritating people ? Do you show your lack of irritation by not smiling? Conflicting signals could be a problem there.
<5th earth> When does she wear them? Just interested.
blueturtle, Apr 30 2004

       Dear blueturtle, when you smile, you could choose not to bare your teeth or show your nice set of fangs.
DesertFox, Apr 30 2004

       I'm pretty sure you can screw anything onto the end of an implant, even a piece of corn.
SystemAdmin, May 07 2004

       SystemAdmin, where did that come from?!?!? (puzzlement)
DesertFox, May 07 2004

       Halfbaked in 'Bill the Galactic Hero...'.
DrBob, May 09 2004

       Actually, fully baked in the third Artemis Fowl book. An assassin had his broken teeth replaced with a couple of designs, clear lucite with blue liquid sloshing about being most memorable. cj
cj finn, May 10 2004

       Not the same thing cj finn "clear lucite with blue liquid sloshing about" is not even close to what I am saying.
DesertFox, May 10 2004

       Sounds like 'Dog' from Johnny Mnemonic.   

       "He might have been fifteen, but the fangs and the bright mosaic of scars compined with the gaping socket to present a mask of total bestiality. It had taken time and a certain kind of creavity to assemble that face, and his posture told-me he enjoyed living behind it."
st3f, Jul 20 2004

       // //and scare irritating people away// What about the non-irritating people ? Do you show your lack of irritation by not smiling? Conflicting signals could be a problem there. <5th earth> When does she wear them? Just interested.//   

       Simple. Smile. Don't smile like a happy shark or the Doom marine when he finds the chainsaw.   

       That's scary even without fangs.
Chrontius, Aug 29 2004


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