Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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All Heel Loaf

For those who can't stand the chewy middle bits
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Essentially these would be demiloafs sliced sideways. Bake a loaf standard size, but instead of ~30cm long, make it 2cm long. Cut through the middle to create a left and right heel, nothing else.

Of course a baking pan would have to be developed to bake multiple loafs at once. I imagine it would be about the size of a standard baking pan with several slots separated by a small gap. This would allow for quick baking times as well since the smallest cross section goes from 10cm to 2cm. The whole pan then gets bagged as a loaf.

Would also make a great prank for someone who hates crusts! "Happy Birthday! I got you an All Heel Loaf and some non-alcoholic beer! YAY!"

bdag, Oct 05 2009

The Stallion Driver http://www.tobarand.../fullrecord/14360/1
[pocmloc, Mar 10 2017]


       My wife prefers the heel to all the other slices, and she doesn't drink so she'll be having the non-alcoholic beer as well. Bun from her.
wagster, Oct 05 2009

       I would eat the hell out of this.   

MikeD, Oct 05 2009

       This could finally be the best thing since sliced bread.
egbert, Oct 05 2009

       Rather than create specialized baking instruments for this, remove the heels from a regular loaf, and sell the remainder as a heel-less loaf. There are no shortage of folks who don't like the heels.
nick_n_uit, Oct 05 2009

       It is pan proximity that leads to heal formation. A crenellated pan interior to maximize load t o pan contact should heelify the entire loaf, with out any Dr Moreau-esque bread cutting and pasting.
bungston, Oct 05 2009

       //This could finally be the best thing since sliced bread.// Classic.
Jscotty, Oct 05 2009

       Isn't this just a flat crusty bun ?
8th of 7, Oct 06 2009

       I would give you a croissant but I ate it.
jaksplat, Oct 06 2009

       I had more thought of a typical American loaf of bread with the bland heels rather than beautiful European breads and their delightfully crunchy crusts. So it's not really a flat crusty bun. I guess if you wanted the wondrous crisp crunch of crust in every bite, you'd be eating artisan bread in dinner-roll sizes.   

       I hope that doesn't put a damper on anyone's bun...
bdag, Oct 06 2009

       //beautiful European breads and their delightfully crunchy crusts//   

       I'm not saying that we oh-so-wonderful Europeans (we are) don't have some really nice breads (we do, and we eat them) but you should bear in mind that apart from some corners of France and Italy that still maintain proper bakers, greengrocers and butchers, the rest of us rely on white cardboard dressed up as food and sold in "Mothers Pride" bags which we eat on a day-to-day basis even though it's shite.   

       Don't know why. I think economics has something to do with it.
wagster, Oct 06 2009

       Je sens votre Pain, Wags!.
I guess the thing is that you can could *should* increase the Surface Area/Volume ratio to achieve a well-heeled effect. A rather excellent solution. With butter and Marmite for preference.
gnomethang, Oct 06 2009

       And behold, the unrecognized invention of the croissant. Please tell me this is a joke.
WcW, Oct 06 2009

       I don't tend to think of croissants as being like the crusts on bread, more kinda flaky and soft.
kaz, Oct 06 2009

       I guess that all depends on the bread, doesn't it.
WcW, Oct 06 2009

       toast ?
popbottle, Mar 05 2017

       Come back [wagster]
xenzag, Mar 05 2017


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