Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Still more entertaining than cricket.

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squeeze tight -- inhibit blood flow -- stop the bleeding...

e-mail for sharing the collective woe of this desperate universe: zedseaworm at yahoo.com

[Apr 11 2001, last modified Aug 28 2007]

(+4, -10)(+4, -10) Anti-Terrorism Program
(+13, -1)(+13, -1) Arena Pool
(+5) Auto-shagger and homing balls
(+6) Auto-shake stick
(+10)(+10) Baby Autochanger Diapering System
(+12, -2)(+12, -2) Bad Remake Reduction Regulation
(+8, -1) Better Tennis Scoring
(+2, -3) Blindball
(+1) Bluetooth retro handset
(+4, -1) Cabletown
(+5, -2) Captain Mayonnaise
(+8)(+8) Car pipe organ
(+4, -2) Carjack Victim Ticket Avoidance System
(+3, -2) "cell phonership" of ringtones
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Ciggie-Butt Returner
(+3) City Umbrellas
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Color Changing Car
(+4, -13)(+4, -13) Common Sense Amendment
(+7, -6) Confederate Flag "Heritage" Program
(+5, -4) Database of everything
(+2) Death's Head Baseball
 Dennis Miller obscure reference pop-up system
(+18)(+18) Desert Island Disk Delivery Service
(+5, -2) Dial-a-flavor soda bottles
(+18, -1)(+18, -1) Didgeridirigible
(+3, -2) Difference Combo Pool
(+6) Disappearing Toner
(+4, -2) Drive-in IMAX Theatre
(+5, -4) Dungeons and Atheists
(+4) Earth Ball
(+3, -7) Earth rotation as renewable energy source
 Electret Bladder Engine
(+2, -4) Field Goal Improvement
(+5, -4) Fish Guillotine
(+5) Fish Tank Puzzle
(+1, -4) fonetyk speling
(+6) Football Chess
(+1, -3) Gang Signs
(+9, -2) Ghost Research Project Scam
(+9, -4) Global ceiling
(+12, -3)(+12, -3) Grocery Checkout History Challenge
(+7, -3) Haiku Channel
(-8)(-8) Half-baker of the Year
(+2, -1) Half-bakery Zeitgeist Calendar
(+7, -4) Happy Cuddle Bakery
(+4, -1) HB Auto-Google
(+1, -4) Healthy Woman's Hearty Meal
(+9, -7) Hedonist party
(+23, -2)(+23, -2)(+23, -2) Herbal Anti-gullibility Supplement
(+32, -14)(+32, -14) Heterosexual male accidental mutual eye-contact relief/assurance gesture
(+5) HMO Laundromat
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Idea Inspiration Type Idioms
(+2, -9)(+2, -9) Iraqi Statehood
(+9, -8) Jeeb-Ponk-Fwee
(+5, -3) Karma Expediters, Inc.
(+4, -7) Kick yourself
(+32, -2)(+32, -2)(+32, -2) Kind Red Kindred (The Diplodrome)
(+5, -1) King from a Vending Machine
(+26)(+26)(+26) Kong for a day
(+3) Lake Polo
(+3) Laser Ball
(+3) Lawnmower TV
(+7) Lego Autobuilder System
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) Life outside the half-bakery
(+5, -8) Lobe Fish
(+5, -1) Lunchroom Microwave Oven with User Name and Password Access
(+9)(+9) Marriage License Test
(+1, -3) Meatball Flight
(+5, -1) Medicated Hair Loss For Men
(-3) Money Bins
(+3, -2) Moratorium on Gerund and Gerund Phrase Movie Titles
(+7) Morning Half-baking
(+2) Musical Blox
(+9)(+9) My First Double-Slit Box
(+3, -11)(+3, -11) Neo-Socratic Government
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) Pack My Bag For Me (dot com)
(+4) Parchessy
(+3, -1) Playoff system admitting every team with a positive record
 Post more programming ideas
(+11)(+11) Programming Curriculum Improvement
 Public presidential candidate decision-making simulations
(+9, -6) Repair Pangaea
(+10)(+10) Returning with aplomb
(+2) Running of the bulls/Tomato throwing festival combo
(+12, -1)(+12, -1) Running with the robots
(+6, -1) Rush Hour Social Club
 School kid pick-up express
(+6, -7) Schrodinger's Soup
(+3) Sharkball
(+4, -1) Slideshow T-shirt
(+1, -4) Smart Billboards; Free Cars
(+2, -1) Smearball
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Smells Like Half Bakery
(+7, -4) Spelling License
 Square-wheeled Car
(+14, -3)(+14, -3) Surreal Film Noir
(+1, -4) Teen Repellent Alarm Socks
(+1, -4) The backside zipper
(+1, -4) The Half-X Men
(-4) The HB "ConvictedKillerContest" Filter
(+14, -5)(+14, -5) The Lucky Locator
(+5) The Productivity Game
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Theory of subjective time perception
 Three Trillion Dollars
(+5, -9) Toaster Shoes
(+8, -2) U.S. Annex of Baja California
(+2, -4) Ultimate Combo
(+3, -2) Walk your Shark
(+2, -5) Water Closet Newspaper Caddy
(+1, -2) Weapon Bed
(+4, -2) Weekly top ten
(+9, -2) Who Sings That?
 Wintertime Kickbacker Coat
(+4, -1) Wrong-way Tire Damage Spike Protection
(+4) Zorbchinko

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