
Some of my favorite moments on the HB:


[MaxwellBuchanan] - If you have blanket with a hole in it, why do you need another person?

[MikeD] - Menage troi?

[MaxwellBuchanan] - These days I'm happy if I can menage one.


[Mustardface] - Emergency!

[hippo] - <pop><pop>


[4whom] - //I really wish I had come in around the "virginal maiden" parts.//

[mouseposture] - [4whom] We saw what you did there, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

[8th of 7] - Or smug and self-satisfied. It's a judgement call, to be honest. Best ask the (former) virginal maiden.


[21quest] - Loving the tiny AT-AT pic... puts the mighty Empire into perspective. A lesson the Borg should take to heart. 8th, I'm looking at you.

[8thof7] - // I'm looking at you. //

And we're looking away, downwards and to the right, in a sort of shamefaced-not blinging-you-in the-eye -with the-temple-mounted-laser way ....


I can be contacted at: brainsplint(at)yahoo(dot)com

[Mar 17 2008, last modified Mar 11 2012]

A Baker's Day in KAF (+6)
A Dash of Engineers. (+33, -1)
Advance Conjugal Directive (+10, -12)
Anti-Ass-Hole Spoiler (+9, -3)
ArMUGeddon (+3)
Assaultable (+2, -5)
Barack O'Java (+9, -19)
Black Plague Water Balloons (-2)
Blumpkin Blanket (-7)
Booger Pickers Tool Kit (+5, -1)
Bourgeois Butt Tube (+11)
Breakaway Purse (+9, -1)
Bun 'n Bone Ice Tray (+6, -1)
Car to Home Conversion Kit (+2, -2)
Cerebral Symphony (+4)
Child's Pot Lighter (+1, -1)
Christmas Tree Orrernament (+5)
Coffee, Army, Worse Than (+7, -1)
Cruise Control Running Lights (+30, -2)
Darwinian DayCare (+6, -6)
Detachable Trunk (Boot) (+6)
Dry Cow (+7, -1)
Duel Commode (+12, -3)
Emoticon Hat (+7, -1)
Fake Finger Nails (+6, -3)
Falling Death Cell Phone Application (+2, -1)
Fiber-optic pathway neuroanatomical model (+5)
fMRI Love You (+11)
FYI Tie (+9)
Gnome Assassin (+8)
God Dammits (+4, -1)
Half Bakery Cultural Reintegration Program (+6)
Halfbaker Trading Cards (+6, -1)
HB Idea Bathroom Tiles (+13)
Hydro-Guard (+7)
Hyper-Velocity Headlights (+7)
I Have Arrived (+6, -5)
I will follow you home and beat your ass placard (+5, -15)
Idle Thoughts Amplifier (+8, -1)
Imminant Lightning Strike Alert (+3, -1)
Isolation Booth (+7)
Key Ring Ring Keeper (+12)
LED bank Tachometer (+7, -5)
Lil’ Sapper’s Plastic Explosive Playdough Playset. (+17)
Manly Purse Purse (+7)
Marital Tradition Enforcement Division (Tactical Fidelity Squad) (+4, -4)
McRobots (+23, -6)
Medicinal Tigers (+5, -1)
Mini British Double (+4, -2)
Missing Passenger Alert (+9)
Over-Drive Tires (+11, -4)
P.I.T. Stop (+1)
Peace-Sign Scope (+43, -2)
Propellor Buttons (+19)
PsyOps Grocery Shop (+10, -4)
Quiver Bra (+14, -1)
Refrigerated Deposit Box (+5, -2)
Sexy TRaEAT (+6, -4)
Shaolin Shower Poofs (+3, -1)
Shock Crotch (+13, -5)
Side Split Toilet Seat (+2, -3)
Soldier’s Commute (+9, -3)
Spittle Phone (+8, -1)
Sporrery (+6, -4)
Star Hoppers Guide to the Galaxy (+7)
Sunny day Windshield Wiper Blades (+3)
The Analog Halfbakery (+10, -2)
The Ejector Bra (+20, -4)
The Emergenceiling (+7)
The Forgotten Poufs (+5, -1)
The Foyerrey (+7, -1)
The Ghost of Bakers Past (+4, -4)
The Halfbaker's Complimentary Guide to Complementary Musical Pieces (+1)
The Orreracle of Halfbakers (+8, -5)
The Other-Half Bakery (+18, -2)
Third Time's a Charm (+14)
Tiny Ta-Ta Sizer (+5, -4)
To the Power of Orrery (+5, -7)
Traction Stand (+9)
Trendelenburger (+5)
Turret Caddy (+11)
Un-Brella (+4)
Victory Meat (+8, -3)
Voltron Carpoolers (+8)
Whirlpool Waterslide (+5, -1)
Window Ailerons (+5, -1)

random, halfbakery