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utility pole radio

use a cable on a utility pole to broadcast radio
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rather then deploying one very large antenna, why not run a cable on a utility pole (for areas that have them) with a small antenna once every 1/2 mile or something. you could even tailor a broadcast to an individual area. "traffic up ahead will be quite dense, we reccomend taking the 5"

the only problems i could come up with is interfernce from the power lines, as well as the limited audiance....you would only get people on the road, not at home.

cybercyph, Jul 23 2000


       Which would be perfect for traffic reports. Just have to make sure to transmit on a frequency not bothered by the power lines. Or put the antennas low on the poles. Away from the lines, less interference, and less line of sight so less interference with other broadcasts.
StarChaser, Jul 23 2000

       Don't they do this already in Europe, with low-power radio stations that broadcast from many points along heavily trafficked highways?
egnor, Jul 23 2000

       Idakno, I'm a USAn...
StarChaser, Jul 23 2000

       They do this sort of thing in tunnels, etc, using a low-power rebroadcast transmitter and "leaky co-ax" strung along the ceiling. Also allows the control room to break in and warn of accidents, etc.   

       At least, in Oz they do...
NoMaster, Jul 24 2000

       well, i have more to add to this: if your am station is under a tenth of a watt, you need no liscensing. liscensing can cost hundreds of thousands of $$$'s. a tenth of a watt will broadcast just under a mile, so you could string a long cable of these transmiters on utility poles, or link them via dsl. a 1/10 watt transmitter costs at most $1000. thats 100 miles of coverage for the same cost of liscensing one station, add another $20,000 for the transmiter and antenna, and you can ad 20 more miles! forgive me if this is all wrong, i got the info out of WIREd, which sucks a monkies rear end.
cybercyph, Aug 14 2000

       Getting space on utility poles is no picnic, either. (Just as Metricom.) Getting them all wired up is even harder; using wireless data transmission is the obvious answer.   

       But nobody listens to AM anymore, anyway, and FCC regulations probably prohibit operating unlicensed low-power stations as repeaters.
egnor, Aug 15 2000

       I have had the very same thoughts myself. I am currently working on a free radio system. From my understanding, a .25-watt transmitter is the legal limit before having to purchase a license. Instead of linking multiple low power transmitters together, just use the Internet with its growing broadband technology. Free radio can happen if people at their homes, using their own computer, go to a web site where they chose to broadcast a signal by receiving an online streaming audio feed. It is legal only if the individuals purchase the transmitter themselves instead of receiving it for free from the person feeding them the signal. The equipment is cheap, if you know where to go or if you know what parts you need to make one yourself. For about 100-200 dollars a person can broadcast a quarter mile radius, if they chose to. I don't know about the majority of the American public, but I would spend 100-200 dollars just to help out with a free radio station. You can cover a small town with a handful of people. Just think, commercial free radio that is free from the capitalist system. It can only happen if enough people pull together to do it, just as long as no other signals are disrupted. Of course, the FCC will notice the loophole in their laws and will try to patch it. At least, it is worth a try. I have the knowledge and the equipment at my disposal; I just need to find people to help out. The airwaves belong to the people; lets make it that way instead of having the FCC treating us like children. If anyone is interested, spread the word or contact me at pnevins@hotmail.com
s211273, Nov 24 2000

       mesh network wi-fi radio?
senatorjam, Aug 30 2002


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