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socially popular drug cures child molesters

Nifty aphrodisiac from the rite aid or CVS turns to cypoterone acetate (chemical castration drug) if you blend it differently; this gives persons making an effort to cease harming children a widely available socially neutral opportunity to cease their activities
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Recently I read a horrifying bunch of data: during the 20th century about a person per five were molested during their childhood; also that 70 pt of child molesters have 1 to 9 victims; if you look at those numbers this is similar to each molester averaging 5 victims; multiplying that on the person per five molested suggests that perhaps a person per 25 is a child molester; its even less pleasant than that; if we presume 9 of 10 molesters have a Y chromosome then perhaps a male per fifteen is a child molester

These numbers if true suggest that the US has 10 million male child molesters I am going to presume that like drinkers or smokers, a large number of these people sometimes have the urge to quit; if we create a readily available drug that assists them to quit then tens of millions of people benefit

With testosterone reduction: reported recidivism rates down from 50% to below 5%, Texas has reported repeat offender rates of just 2.2% as compared to a national average of over 20% (the 20% is a low figure but was deduced from a short term study – longitudinal studies show much higher recidivism rates). A report in The New England Journal of Medicine provides further support for the efficacy of chemical castration (link)

Chemical castration is automatically prescribed to Californians on a second offense

here is the technology to make it possible for child molesters to gain an immediate socially neutral opportunity to cease their urges

Create an aphrodisiac that you customize Its a little like haircoloring; Basically you pour fluid one with fluid two, then add the activator disc; If you drink it before the disc turns color you get a orally active dose of chemical castration; if you wait a minute until the disc turns color then you get an effective aphrodisiac

All kind of hip groovy people might walk right up to the CVS to get an aphrodisiac kit thus its much less socially alienating than a product labelled Cures baldness and child molesters!

here is the molecule bremelanotide which quadruples sexual activity among mammals is linked to a cyproterone acetate molecule that has two gratutious zinc molecules on the cyproterone steroid core; when electricity or silver from the disc is present the cyproterone core disintegrates to form different pharmaceutically neutral molecular fragments leaving just the bremelanotide as the remaining functional drug

Another option is putting a kind of chalcone linker (like zubbles) on the cyproterone acetate molecule to cause the cyproterone to fragment at alkaline pH (high pH disc) again just leaving the bremelanotide

Pheremone scents more than triple the amount of human erotic contact; these pheremones could have zinc linked molecules that activate with the applicator wand when the chemical change turns the pheremones to their active form

Thus the aphrodisiac could provide anywhere from 7 or 8 times the eros while giving child molesters the opportunity to turn off their libidos decreasing their activity to a tenth or twentieth the amount

Now at moderate levels the product also cures baldness as well, its just that to cure baldness you keep the activator disc there a particular amount of time: Just drink it fresh to remove libido, curing molestation urges plus cure baldness :40 to cure baldness plus make a powerful aphrodisiac 1:00 to make a powerful aphrodisiac 2:00 to make a super power aphrodisiac with active breath pheremones

Making the cure socially favored is essential; Its actually shagadelic if rich full head of hair is among the goals

If the numbers I read were accurate then this socially fun libido adjustment system could assist hundreds of millions of child molesters worldwide cease their activity while providing erotic benefits the the rest of humanity

beanangel, Mar 12 2010

chemical castration http://www.safe-nz....es/sexoffenders.htm
reported recidivism rates down from 50% to below 5%, Texas has reported repeat offender rates of just 2.2% as compared to a national average of over 20% (the 20% is a low figure but was deduced from a short term study – longitudinal studies show much higher recidivism rates). A report in The New England Journal of Medicine provides further support for the efficacy of chemical castration [beanangel, Mar 12 2010]


       Here's a bun just for the length of the article!   

       so are you saying most child molesters are bald/balding? if thats true then 1 in 3 bald men are a child molester! that explains why mr. clean is in everyone's kitchen!
Arcanus, Mar 12 2010

       it isn't only libido that makes people child molesters...they are really sick!
xandram, Mar 12 2010

       Is there any other type of 'popular'?
daseva, Mar 12 2010

       Your lucidity quotient increases daily, Beany - I am impressed.   

       As for the idea, yesbut. I thought you were saying that an existing aphodisiac could be simply modified in a proven way to do this, which would be an interesting idea. But (if I understand correctly), you are proposing a new aphrodisiac based on some studies, and a new method of modifying it. I have doubts over your chemistry and pharmacology, not to mention the drug approval process....   

       I dunno. I'd find a lot of your ideas easier to swallow (so to speak) if they weren't written as statements with more ornamental detail than substance.   

       On the other hand, what the heck, it's Friday night and everybody needs a bun now and then, so a [+]
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 12 2010

       Apparently one in three Californians have been abducted by aliens.
wagster, Mar 12 2010

       ...and that's only the ones that have been returned.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 12 2010

       Apparently one in three aliens have been abducted by Californians.
xenzag, Mar 12 2010

       [beanangel] May we have a cite, please, for the report in the New England Journal of Medicine? The only reference I can find in that journal opposes the California law and agrees, in part, with [xandram]'s comment. But I may have been insufficiently imaginative in my search terms.
mouseposture, Mar 13 2010

       Your statistics are bunk,
Your conclusions junk,
Your science appalling,
And you slander the balding. [-]
BunsenHoneydew, Mar 19 2010

       This is rather biologically deterministic. Someone with no sexual desire can still sexually assault someone, for instance with objects. The motive doesn't depend on feeling sexual desire itself. Also, someone with even very strong sexual desire in a particular direction which is forbidden can still exercise their conscience or prudence. There are probably people who can't do that whom anaphrodisiacs might help, but i don't know how common it is.
nineteenthly, Mar 19 2010


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