Sometimes my job entails standing around for great lengths of time watching people do stuff. Pretty bloody boring. But worse, all the standing around gives you a sore back, legs, and feet.
I'd love to sit down (and I'm pretty sure this wouldn't effect my eyes - and therefore my job performance ),
but for one, I might fall asleep, and two, people always assume you are being lasy if you are sitting around doing nothing (myes, as opposed to standing around doing nothing...).
Anyway, today I came up with a solution.
It started with the usual dreams of a bed, then maybe just a sofa, then I'd settle for a chair, at which point I decide I'd just really love one of those fold out stools thats basically a broom handle with a flat pad at one end for your arse...
Reality hits, and I'm still standing there wishing I wasn't.
But then I came up with this idea:
What if you could have some sort of linkage under your pants - sorta like a more ergodynamic version of those forrest gump leg things (no offence to those who need them, I just dont know what they're called).
Follow me on this one: you start with the shoes (or inserts in your shoes) with a structural pivot, like gump, then (and you could use carbon fibre shaped to your limbs for style and sleek fit) the shin supports, thigh supports, finally ending up at a waist/crotch fixture, not disimilar to a parachute harness. Each section is strapped to your body, but not always connected together.
As you walk around, the sections are not connected, so you can walk around as normal (and the sections are limb shaped remember, so you cant see them under your clothes). If you want to rest your feet, you reach into your pants pocket, where there is a lever or maybe a pull cable. You pull it, and all the sections link together into a stiff exoskeleton, starting with the supports in your shoes, ending in the harness.
As the sections join into one, it becomes slightly longer than your waist height, and therefore becomes a loadbearing structure. It *slightly* lifts your heels off the ground, while leaving your toes *just* touching to allow you to tweak your balance, AS YOU ARE NOW SITTING WHILE STANDiNG (or was that standing while sitting ?!)...
Any takers ?!