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rotatable Bowden cable connector

Allows for 360 Bowden cable action.
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The device consists of hollow cylinders nested in each other. The cylinders each have a loose inner cylinder which mechanical power is transmitted through. The Bowden cables connect to slide rails on both sides of the connector, allowing for the connector to rotate infinitely. When the Bowden cable pulls, it pulls the inner cylinder, pulling the Bowden cable on the other side of the connector.

For the center of the connector or a singular connector the inner cylinder is replaced with a rotating pin joint.

I'm also considering a design where each Bowden cable has it's own pair of cylinders to itself, so it doesn't have to share tracks, but that would remove the connection between layers that the Bowden outer shell rail riders give them.

flireferret, Sep 04 2024

diagram https://imgur.com/a/bYa2lN6
[flireferret, Sep 04 2024]


       So, it's a type of clutch mechanism for a cable, that allows transmission or no transmission of traction? How is it controlled?
xenzag, Sep 04 2024

       Interesting idea - thank you for the link. [+]
pertinax, Sep 04 2024

       Autobun for any idea with a nice illustration. [+]
doctorremulac3, Sep 04 2024

       The concentric quarter-turned ovals are hard to look at.   

       [+]Thanks for the illustration.
Voice, Sep 06 2024


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