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robot girlfriend audio compander

Adjust dialog at $700 million movies to be maximally involving. Do fMRI of brain responding to dialog with each word slightly tweaked for pitch and velocity (like voice lift for query, or strong first syllable for insistence) as well as optimized velocity. If this software is less than $1 million, then it is .14% of film cost while measurably improving viewer enjoyment. Then, reapply this to many movies, making it an even better investment and far cheaper. Then, use it as speaking AI to make the AI better at vocally communicating than any human. Install the perfect voice software at robot girlfriends
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They make big expensive movies to make money!

I think it is possible to retune the actors voice tones and prosody to maximise viewer involvement, and do this appropriately to the scenes of a movie. Grandpa talks just right to be trustworthy and wise, seductress is seductive, hero is emphatic. Not just the whole character, adjusted according to scene.

One way to do this is fMRI of people watching the first version of the movie. Then thee audio is basically microkerned, pitch sifted, and phone modified to create the most involving and effective dialog possible.

This is financially a win. Adjust the dialog at the first $700 million movie to be maximally involving. Then once the software exists do it to a few hundred movies, improving the software. If this software is less than $1 million, then it is .14% of the first film cost while measurably improving viewer enjoyment. After it is improved at several movies then, use it as speaking AI to make the AI better at vocally communicating than any living human. Install the perfect voice software at robot girlfriends

beanangel, May 22 2017

Hanson Brothers, My Girlfriend's A Robot https://www.youtube...watch?v=BxkpsBizijs
I took her apart, coz she broke my heart... [DrBob, May 25 2017]


       You could do it for CGI flicks : live, you'd have to compensate background sounds and noise... not sure you could get the granularity of that fine enough that it wouldn't be noticed, at least not subconsciously.
FlyingToaster, May 22 2017

       Compander : a device that improves the signal-to-noise ratio of an electrical signal by compressing the range of amplitudes of the signal before transmission, and then expanding it on reproduction or reception.   

       Note: Robot girl friends should also have an audio kill switch, if you want repeat sales and rentals.
popbottle, May 23 2017

       Or just a kill switch. Good for non-robotics, too ...
8th of 7, May 24 2017

       I'm surprised robots even need girlfriends.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 24 2017

       Someone has to do the cleaning and tidying up ...
8th of 7, May 24 2017

       I know a robot who fell in love with a car wash. He/she was washed, waxed and buffed, until there nothing left.
popbottle, May 26 2017


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