Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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random towny music

[dance music]
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loads of kevs and shazzas on the dancefloor, stepping on different squares[with pressure pads underneath] that put a signal to switch on or off certain samples/sounds/notes. and have a tune with -too many- notes so cutting out some would sound brilliant.
technobadger, Oct 11 2001

"Townies" http://www.dictiona...ict.pl?term=townies
Here's what a "Towny" is, for anyone who didnt know. [The_Englishman_Abroad, Oct 11 2001]

Better Description http://www.towniehaters.com
the site's not updated anymore but in my opinion there's a much better (if not slightly biased) description on this site [dekoi, Oct 11 2001]

http://www.newscien...s.jsp?id=ns99991563 [technobadger, Oct 11 2001]


       For those of you not familiar with "kevs and shazzas" its a UK English slang term that originated (I believe) in the early 90's pertaining to shiny track suit wearing teenagers. For Townies see link
Just so you know.
The_Englishman_Abroad, Oct 11 2001

       You'd only have to shift three letters to make this "randy motown music." Just a coincidence?
beauxeault, Oct 11 2001

       There's a dude on B17 handing out croissants.
reensure, Oct 11 2001

technobadger, Oct 11 2001

StarChaser, Oct 11 2001

       If I put some bakery products in the mail, do you thing jutta could stick them up on the site? Maybe on my ideas. She could do pretty well out of it - croissants=currency. And curranty croissants=100 regular croissants.
pottedstu, Oct 11 2001


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