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population/birth growth trading scheme

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Much like how we have a trading scheme for carbon emissions.

I would wonder what it would be like if people could trade birth credits.

Basically you designate the number of births/immigrations you can allow, and distribute the credit pools to the entire citizen pool.

They can then sell and trade these credits rights to either other people who want a baby.


An alternative scheme, could be to make the system include both birth and immigrations (which would allow for overall population growth control).

This could by via government putting an expiry on the credits, and using the extra credits for immigrants and refugees.


Pros: Distributed population control. Extra money to those who don't have babies.

Cons: Dealing with those who break the law. Richer people affording more babies.

mofosyne, Dec 13 2015

Preheated ? http://tvtropes.org...terature/KnownSpace
The ARM police (the law enforcement agency of the United Nations, regularly go on "mother hunts" for those people who illegally go over their reproductive limits. [normzone, Dec 13 2015]


       //Richer people affording more babies// Can you explain why that is a con?
pocmloc, Dec 13 2015

       Ian Tindale, Dec 13 2015   

       Too many old people. Not enough young people. Also distinct lack of girls, since too many girls were selectively aborted by their families.   

       The chinese government is annoyed at that, but they did manage to get most of the job done of population reduction in the long term. Now they just need to avoid committing demographic suicide (and too many angry young men), by letting off the break a little bit.
mofosyne, Dec 13 2015

       //Too many old people. Not enough young people.//   

       There's a problem.   

       We're meant to be aiming towards stabilizing, and then reversing, our disastrous population growth. But as soon as any country actually moves toward this, they suddenly realize that they need three young people to support every two old people.   

       By this reasoning, the human population will just have to keep on growing exponentially until everything turns to shit.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 13 2015

       //Dealing with those who break the law.//
1st illegal birth: Small fine.
2nd illegal birth: Huge fine or voluntary vasectomy/hysterectomy.
3rd illegal birth: Enforced vasectomy/hysterectomy.
But the important thing is educating the populace as to WHY these laws are coming, for at least 10 years before they are put in place. If the people understand the reasons, the laws will barely be needed. For example, bike helmets.
neutrinos_shadow, Dec 14 2015

       I don't know of any country that has banned bike helmets though.
pocmloc, Dec 14 2015

       [pocmloc], I meant that (at least here) there is a law that you must wear a bike helmet. But even before the law came in, most people already did so anyway, due to a good education campaign. So most people don't even care that there is a law, because it is "the done thing" anyway.
neutrinos_shadow, Dec 14 2015

       //Richer people affording more babies// Can you explain why that is a con?   

       Because modern capitalism is temporary and success at it is not necessarily conducive to the long-term genetic health of the species.   

       // Extra money to those who don't have babies.   

       Uh, they already have extra money by virtue of not having babies.
the porpoise, Dec 14 2015

       Oh I see [neut]. But that's based on marketing, bad science, and peer pressure, not understanding of reasons.
pocmloc, Dec 15 2015

       [Max] //But as soon as any country actually moves toward this, they suddenly realize that they need three young people to support every two old people.// - I think we're sort of hoping the Japanese, who are further advanced up this demographic creek (whilst possessing insufficient paddles), find a way to solve this problem before it hits us in a big way.
hippo, Dec 15 2015

       — hippo, Dec 15 2015   

       Well their sexbots technology is getting better if that means anything.
mofosyne, Dec 15 2015

       // Because modern capitalism is temporary and success at it is not necessarily conducive to the long-term genetic health of the species//   

       So we should call up Elon, Gates and Brin and stop working on Mars, malaria and immortality?
theircompetitor, Dec 15 2015

       Of course not. However, those men were not product of this invention, so I'm not sure how your question is relevant. If you want to make an argument from extreme, the better one is: do we want only those men to reproduce? Or do we want some kind of hereditary capatilist royalty?
the porpoise, Dec 15 2015

       The type of post capitalism future you postulate would necessarily not rely on dna limitations in any case
theircompetitor, Dec 15 2015


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