Extra on-road and off-road low-cost rapid transportation
system, with no need for digging, and with rapid
A system of enclosed roads (think: cars in a square pipe)
sitting on existing roads. Inside them standard packages on
pallets are rapidly moved with a conveyor-belt system.
(Actually a double conveyor-rope system (link), as is
these days for conveyor systems). Once every now and then
the cars are moved off road and out onto an exit. As long as
the system is alive and well a plate on the cars pushes them
"back" onto the road but a "dead man's break" will exit the
at the next exit.
The low height has a slope on both sides so that cars people
animals and insects can cross. For human transportation
of the "piping" is made of nets that allow air through.
The main assets of this business are two halfbaked pending
ideas: One a digitally controlled infrastructure bridge-
that hold the "road" at its correct height without the need
drilling, digging or any other construction work. This
telescopic pillar compensates for any siniking in mud or
changes of terrain due to heat or small tectonic changes.
Bridges can be rapidly constructed the same way, and the
pillars can be rapidly replaced with new ones first installing
them alongside the old ones and then removing the old ones
The second asset is our simple "dead man's release" system.
The inspiration comes from a solution at Tenuva converyor
belts that causes fallen milk cartons to be sent off the
converyor belt while standing cartons continue on, with a
simple rail that keeps the standing cartons on the rail.
Some of the cars can have motors on them and once out of
pipeway can be driven wherever needed.