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nutty numbers

9+3 = 12 ?gives? 1+2 =3, when is it rational that 10 + 2 = 3
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(Stimulus: Web video of a 9 number relationship graphic of universe's fabric)

Is there a dimension or relationship that the ten's place figure can be added to the one's place figure?

Lets say each decimal place is a stacked translucent sheet each number is an amount on the sheet. Looking sideways at the sheets, a ten's place will look higher than the one's place. Looking strait down from the top the sheets are one in the same and the numbers can be grouped irrelevant of which plane the numbers are associated with. This seems plausible but to the life of me I can't see how this would have a rational translation to reality.

Another way would be repeating tiles in space each with a set of points 'labeled' with numbers so adding up the labels jumps you to the next tile and to a repetition of the tiles and labels. This again this seems to have no ration link between the act of addition and any real dimensional change.

It is strange though, that some of these patterns are intriguing repetitions even if any physical logic has been found. Maybe, it is just truly out there.

wjt, Jul 20 2019

https://blogs.egu.e...stones-to-navigate/ [beanangel, Jul 20 2019]

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       Birefringent crystals like iceland spar [link] could be used.   

       " Looking sideways at the sheets, a ten's place will look higher than the one's place."
beanangel, Jul 20 2019

       Maybe, the ones place crystallizes or changes state so there is never a tens place. And a residue is the left over in the ones scale. A physical object is that can never be counted more than nine for an associated object or volume.
wjt, Jul 21 2019

       you know those two mirrors face each other "nonfinity" light echo infinity lamps?   

       I think if you put the mirrors at an angle you can get likely many different overlaps, with regularity and if the little lights on the sides were glowing nixie tubes you could superimpose many numbers as you prefer with a change of angle, but for the enjoyment of your mathy creative mind the infinity mirror would come with its own natural tesselation of the numbers in relation to each other.
beanangel, Jul 21 2019

       So [beanangel] Is that how you see the fabric of the universe?, a turtle on smaller turtle till the turtles can't be seen anymore. Sounds mathematical. Plank would say there's a wall or at least a ledge.   

       Thinking about this 9 thingy again, it seems a that is it is to do with base mathematics and the 1 means one cycle not 10 (Althought, 1+0 still = 1). The operation always self localises never makes it to two cycles. I am imagining the energy travelling through the universe may look like a whole lot of little cycles but it could be one of those optical illusions.
wjt, Jul 23 2019

       I'm picturing a whole lot of little cycles travelling through the universe, and a little cube veering from side to side, trying to crush them.
pertinax, Jul 23 2019

       I think its related to clock arithmetic. Maybe epicycles could help
pocmloc, Jul 23 2019

       True , It looks clock, modulus related but with a strange quirk where summing any two numbers on the clock in numerology fashion ends up being the remainder on the clock after a cycle.   

       7oclock + 8hrs = 15 which 12r3 but 1+5 = 6. For this strange 9 modulus clock 8 position + 3 = 11 which gives 1 r 2 but also ? 1+1 = 2 ?. 8 + 2 =10 , 1+0 =1 which is, again, one cycle with a remainder of one. Strange.   

       Though it does make sense that , in nature, epicycles sometimes may pattern link to their deferents. Especially if cogged.
wjt, Jul 25 2019


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