Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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mini zoo

micro organisims
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A zoo full of dangerous viruses/parasites behaving how they would in their natural environment. Have people in perspex boxes that are infected with the bubonic plague, botulisim, malaria, yellow fever ect for all the public to enjoy.
theamazingsmegman, Dec 10 2003


       sp: etc
po, Dec 10 2003

       Wow. Who gets those jobs, then? Somehow "Parasite host" as a profession doesn't sound as cuddly as "Zoo keeper" or "Animal carer".   

       <waves> Hello, [thmazinsmegma]. Haven't seen you before.
squeak, Dec 10 2003

       // Have people in perspex boxes that are infected with the bubonic plague, botulisim, malaria, yellow fever ect for all the public to enjoy. //   

       Looks like we in the UK missed a trick when David Blane was hanging over the thames all that time!
dobtabulous, Dec 10 2003

       I'm kinda disappointed. When you said "mini zoo," I thought you meant a yardful of genetically-engineered minicheetahs, minihippos, minipythons, and minibaboons.. All complete with mini habitats and mini snack stands. :>
zaza the amazon, Oct 26 2004

       Now you are profiting from the combustible properties of fossil fuels to prepare food [zaza]!
DocBrown, Oct 26 2004


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