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how subtle is subtle?

A sonic boom not being a flap of butterfly wings.
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New Zealand is currently experiencing a large collection of anticyclones and our farmers are getting frustrated to the point of turning to the government for assistance.

Since a High is considered a cell, is it possible to model the effect a track of sonic booms? I realise the scale is vastly vast and the effect of the fighter jets' is an infinitesimally pin prick. If an area close to a low or changing pressure was chosen then the jets would only initiate change. It would be like punching a very tiny hole through the normal physical motion models to see what dynamical altered. A tiny crack in the dam scenario.

I imagine there would be an affect by the jets if the track was made at a point between two contesting systems that can go either way. I can see the time scale might be a problem. Also would a country, on the other side of the globe, sue for it's unusual weather in 3 months time.

wjt, Mar 01 2013

Sonic booms and cloud formation http://www.youtube....watch?v=gWGLAAYdbbc
In the first video some of the clouds that form seem to stay. [bungston, Mar 02 2013]


       I don't think anybody has ever gotten anywhere suing the military of their own nation.   

       That being said, sure, a sonic boom probably does stuff... so does thunder.
FlyingToaster, Mar 01 2013

       So, is the proposal to use a sonic boom to do something to the weather?   

       Off the top of my head, I would say that the sonic boom is irrelevant. However, off the top of my other head, a sonic boom *might* help to nucleate raindrops, maybe.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 01 2013

       I have seen skies go from clear, to streaked with jet contrails, to a solid cirrus-like overcast. That leads me to believe that any weather-alteration effect will be more likely from the additional water vapor than from the energy impulse.
lurch, Mar 01 2013

       Repeated sonic booms from the same local might have a pronounced effect on pressure systems.   

       Who is this local?
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 01 2013

       As subtle as the b in subtle.   

       But sonic booms - not implausible. I will see if I can find the youtube video showing big fluffy clouds forming in the wake of a fighter plane. Clearly the shockwave is nucleating raindrops as Max suggests.
bungston, Mar 02 2013

Doh!.. I'd like to buy an E Pat.

       How much distance would a jet fighter need to drop velocity to repeat a sonic boom? I had imagined a red checker like group on a path parallel with the low pressure isobars initially then curving to cross the isobars to enter towards the centre of the high. Wind currents could then move in to make the high pressure fall way via the path.   

       The planes could be spiralling around each other in a 15,000 foot circle (tunneling) while travelling the programmed arc. Along the way dropping sonic booms.   

       My main thought was with proper wave computing (quantum) Weather simulations will show places of subtle switching for large dynamic systems. The sonic boom was a leap to try and toggle said switch.
wjt, Mar 04 2013

       I like the idea, but the number of typos makes a tiny crack in the damned scenario. My bun is ready, but withheld pending a bit of a proof-read.
pertinax, Mar 04 2013

       //How much distance would a jet fighter need to drop velocity to repeat a sonic boom?//   

       Sonic booms are not created by a change in the aircraft's velocity. It sounds to the observer like a transient event, but it's just you standing still and the plane going past.   

       //dropping sonic booms// arggggh... Imagine you're in a speedboat. Once you've generated a bow wave, how long do you have to stop before you can generate another one?
lurch, Mar 04 2013

       If you were in a boat couldn't you just change the angle of the propellor blades and abrumptly go backwards? You would be dropping bow waves left and right! Or bow and stern, as it were.
bungston, Mar 04 2013

       The point is, most people believe that a sonic boom is the "breaking of the sound barrier", and the sound is a singular event, kind of like breaking a board or a window or your leg. It's not. When you hear a sonic boom, it's just that the "bow wave" passed *you*, not that the airplane has started or stopped creating sonic booms.   

       It's like plowing a field. Just keep going, don't slow down/speed up; that doesn't help.
lurch, Mar 04 2013

       // If you were in a boat couldn't you just change the angle of the propellor blades and abrumptly [sic] go backwards? //   

       No. Boats don't do anything abruptly. If you change the thrust vector suddenly, the boat's action will correspond when it gets around to it, no sooner. You must be patient and plan ahead, or else your boat will run into things a lot.
Alterother, Mar 04 2013

       If your idea works then it is possible specialized drones could take to the cloud layer, oscillating their velocity to produce weather-changing sonic booms.   

       Fortunately I read that at new supersonic aircraft plans they have ways of focusing sonic booms (focusing is also good for you weather control application) to be quieter on the ground. So perhaps your weather modifying sonic booms could be focused for optimal weather changing intensity and undetectable to people.   

       Also, noting [lurch] comment about a bow wave, would a rotating screw (looks in my mind like a camshaft) right at the leading vertex of the aircraft > cause pulsatile ripples of sonic boom-ness as the aircraft oscillated its velocity?   

       At the boat wave version, I think if you had a little sphere move up and down the pointed end of the boat you could produce ripples as well, so that's another possible sonic boom multiple-maker or modulator   

       Another application is making it so cities and towns have sunny weather during the daytime
beanangel, May 08 2021

       //It's like plowing a field. Just keep going, don't slow down/speed up; that doesn't help//   

       Isn't the sonic boom the size of the turn of soil? slow down and it's thrown out less, speed up and you have gone through the minimum and there is a bigger mess.
wjt, May 08 2021

       Previously withheld bun now delivered. [+].   

       I hope you don't mind eight-year-old pastry.
pertinax, May 09 2021

       //size of turn of the soil// Thinking of a furrow making blade, if they are curved a certain way the furrows come out different; could the pointy end of the boat/aircraft/drone have an asymmetrical > tip to generate double height (amplitude) waves on one side, and little on the other (chisel tip).   

       Going a little further with leading edge shape for supersonic weather changers could you get something out of having a bowl or dish cut out of one side of the >; that could make a mini sonic boom bulge (emitter).
beanangel, May 09 2021

       //a deep depression//   

       ... and that would be the affect.   

       Now, as to the effect ...
pertinax, May 09 2021

       Perhaps fancied-up quantum dots could be used to replace cloud seeding chemicals like silver iodide; there's a lot of leeway in making charged surface nucleation sites with a quantum dot. Also, I wonder if they've tried electret particles as AgI alternatives.
beanangel, May 09 2021


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