Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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helium mousetrap

Lighter than air trap flys away to be released in the wild
  (+14, -1)(+14, -1)
(+14, -1)
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Balloon and trap released when mouse enters.

when touching earth door is opened and mouse released to live a new life in the wild.

de lux version with camera and steering so wont land in the sea.

pashute, Jul 30 2011

Better moustrap or... http://image.spread...n-bunt-m_design.png
best laid plans? [2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jul 30 2011]

Inert gas mouse trap http://www.rentokil...ontrol/mouse-radar/
[mitxela, Aug 01 2011]

Cat Ejection Pack Cat_20Ejection_20Pack
Prior Art [8th of 7, Aug 01 2011]


       How did this idea land on farming?
pashute, Jul 30 2011

       I think there may be another example of this on Bakery......[pashute] - lovely idea though it is.
xenzag, Jul 30 2011

       hellium? is that one of these new elements? I sent my ex-husband looking for it, I remember. I think he found it - we're looking for a peace prize, now there's irony for you.
po, Jul 30 2011

       Insufficient rocketry. Also, fails to kill the mouse.   

       Why are they called "mouse traps" ? They should be called "mouse killers", shirley ?
8th of 7, Jul 30 2011

       So, what if the mouse lands at my house, or [xenxag]'s? Seems like you're just kind of foisting your vermin off on other people. Sure, it's humane, but it's also annoying.   

       Which I like. [+]
Alterother, Jul 30 2011

       Trebuchet version is more dramatic.
pocmloc, Jul 30 2011

       I have yet to discover a scenario in which a trebuchet is not appropriate.
Alterother, Jul 30 2011

       mmmmm... Births!
Births would be trebuchet inappropriate.

       Cite your sources for that assertion.   

       // I have yet to discover a scenario in which a trebuchet is not appropriate. //   

       Sounds like a pentagonal peg dropping smoothly and cleanly into a pentagonal hole ...
8th of 7, Jul 30 2011

       //Hellium// = sulphur?   

       This may work in the mouse's favour, by providing efficient dispersal.
spidermother, Jul 30 2011

       The idea may have some merit as the basis for a new shotgun-based sport.
8th of 7, Jul 30 2011

       I didn't know halfbakers where such meanies. heck, I fixed the extra L - speling mistake.
pashute, Jul 31 2011

       Don't mind the Borg, they've just run out of cats, horses, and unruly children to despise, so they're working on a new irrational hatred. It should take some time to really get up to speed, so hide the mice while you still can.
Alterother, Jul 31 2011

       Big balloon so they travel FAR away?   

       I once caught a mouse in a mousetrap and he managed to just lose a bit of his tail in the process. Being a kind soul, I released "Stumpy" about a mile away, in a beautiful field.   

       The next day, who is back in the trap? "Stumpy"! This time he just managed to break his back, but was still alive. A big hole in the backyard and lots of water then newspapers and dirt. "Stumpy" never came back.   

       In Oklahoma, I used sticky paper to catch the mice and then fed all the mice that I caught to a friendly owl.   

       There is only one thing that I hate more than mice. [+]
Klaatu, Jul 31 2011

       I'm torn with this idea- whilst on one hand, it is very cute and whimsical, on the other hand they go one to breed more mice! I was thinking maybe they could just get high on some nitrous oxide, eat some poison cheese and die happy! They you wouldn't have such a big guilt complex. (or maybe you've never really had a mouse problem?)
xandram, Jul 31 2011

       That's all we need - Euro mice.
skinflaps, Jul 31 2011

       As far as I'm concerned, lethal traps are humane in the sense that they kill some mice quickly (most of the time), thinning the competition and giving the other mice the luxury of not starving to death.
Alterother, Jul 31 2011

       I thought the mouse would bite on a fake cheese hiding a helium nozzle, which would inflate the mouse, then the rapidly exhausting gas would propel him into the neighbor's yard. (Notice I said "him." Female mice are not that stupid.)
sqeaketh the wheel, Jul 31 2011

       That wouldn't work, supposedly, because rodents can't fart. So it's said, anyway. Also have to think about how much buoyancy helium confers. I'm not sure it would work with mice.   

       Mouse supposedly weigh about twenty grammes. That means that the density of the "assemblage" (i.e. ballooning or ballooning mouse (don't you just love the English language?)) must be reduced to a density below that of air. Twenty grammes of air has a volume of around sixteen litres. A sixteen litre hydrogen balloon is fine, though it would be slightly too dense to lift a mouse. A sixteen litre mouse, assuming sphericality, would need to be more than thirty centimetres in diameter to be lighter than air. This would involve stretching the mouse's tissues fourfold in two dimensions, including the skeleton. Also, the change would be permanent, assuming a UXM.   

       As i suspect you know, i am very familiar with these calculations and do them every day.
nineteenthly, Aug 01 2011

       //rodents can't fart// unbelievable.
po, Aug 01 2011

       Well maybe it's not true then, [po]. It's what i've heard, from an article in the Guardian some time this century.
nineteenthly, Aug 01 2011

       Helium could be used to asphyxiate the mouse. <link>
mitxela, Aug 01 2011

       Or, you could just fill your house with nitrogen.
nineteenthly, Aug 01 2011

       according to the London Science Museum - termites produce more methane (one of the gases involved in global warming) than all of our cars, planes and factories put together.
po, Aug 01 2011

       Can fart. Can't burp.   

       Cabonated beverage traps?   

       That's baked. A factor in their success would be if it's really so.
nineteenthly, Aug 01 2011

       Fizzy lifting drinks!
calum, Aug 01 2011

       No, the bit just before it.
nineteenthly, Aug 01 2011

8th of 7, Aug 01 2011

       What does a mouse sound like after breathing helium?
caspian, Aug 02 2011

       //according to the London Science Museum - termites produce more methane (one of the gases involved in global warming) than all of our cars, planes and factories put together.//
Can't believe cars or planes produce much methane, so yes, I can probably imagine that termites produce more.

////rodents can't fart// unbelievable//
Not sure about farting, but they can't regurgitate, which is why poisons are so effective.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Aug 02 2011

       // What does a mouse sound like after breathing helium? // Nothing, you wouldn't be able to hear her, also she'd be dead fairly soon afterwards and therefore silent.   

       [Absinthe], i'm sure that's true but i'm wondering why. It doesn't seem very likely to be selected for without another bigger advantage.
nineteenthly, Aug 02 2011

       // There is only one thing that I hate more than mice //   

       Klaatu, would that be mice with guns? ; )
Canuck, Aug 02 2011

       I like this. + ((waves at all the bakers who showed up for this idea)).
blissmiss, Aug 02 2011

       // would that be mice with guns? //   

       No, it would be cats, of course.   

       This must be the slow class. Or Canadians....
8th of 7, Aug 02 2011

       //[Absinthe], i'm sure that's true but i'm wondering why. It doesn't seem very likely to be selected for without another bigger advantage//
Not sure what you're referring to, here [nineteenthly] but it is probably something to do with entropy,
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Aug 02 2011

       I think he's referring to inability to vomit. Of course, an ability can disappear because it is not sufficiently selected for; vomiting would have to save mice often enough to outweigh the metabolic cost of the extra musculature and nerves. And counteract entropy (random mutations etc.).   

       //I used sticky paper to catch the mice and then fed all the mice that I caught to a friendly owl.   

       There is only one thing that I hate more than mice.//   

       Friendly owls? Or did you remove the sticky paper first?
spidermother, Aug 02 2011

       "Ah . . . is he dead, my boy?"
"Yes, your Worship. He was eaten by owls."
mouseposture, Aug 07 2011

       I gave myself an evil eye. We now have rats in our compost pile. One mocked me sitting on the cover and watching my efforts to scare it away. I'm hoping cats in the yard will help but not building my hopes too high up.   

       Somehow the innert gas mousetrap reminds me of something...
pashute, Aug 07 2011

       ^ lineup at the license-renewal office ?
FlyingToaster, Aug 07 2011

       //^ lineup at the license-renewal office ?//   

       Damn, you need a license for one of these? No one told me. Although it would be interesting to be the one who draws up the form..
not_morrison_rm, Aug 08 2011

       // termites produce more methane (one of the gases involved in global warming) than all of our cars, planes and factories//   

       Wow. I didn't even realize that termites made any of our cars, planes and factories at all.   

       Incidentally, rodents can and do fart. However, they fart ethane (mostly).
MaxwellBuchanan, Aug 08 2011

       // ethane //   

       Ah, petrochemical feedstock ...   

       // I'm hoping cats in the yard will help //   

       Cats NEVER help. Cats only ever make things worse.   

       // but not building my hopes too high up. //   

       <revises opinion of [pashute] upwards. But only very slightly>
8th of 7, Aug 08 2011


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