In this idea, i'm simoply trying to take the idea of a fluorescent window by "potatostew" pasted on march, 29 2001 a step further.
the idea is based on two tightly enclosed panes of glass with a gap inbetween, filled with some sort of flourescing gas or material that is semitransparent, or even
a liquid. but now the question is; is there any way to get the coulours to change. because i've seen many times neon lights of some sort that could slowly change coulours. but in this example i don't want the whole screen to chenge coulor. just blotchs of it. like a 2d lava lamp.
I was thinking. wouldn't it be really cool if you could have a whole wall across your corridor (or hall or whatever) fluorescing? but not only that but when you or any other heat source comes close to it it could change colour. but not because or preferably not by electronic means, just by simple reaction of chemicals.
i currently know of one example of this, but it is of such pathetic quality and its expensive, its also controlled by a computer and in sense is actually a plasma screen. in my example, i want the gases to flow, not be cought up in cells, so they can mix colours and you'd get a beautiful swirl of patterns.
what do you think.
for the time being ignore cost. just is it possible and how?