Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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fake bomb tactics

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when bombing things, why not drop bunches of dummy bombs(empty shells) to lure the enemy into a false sense of security, then, drop real bombs.
sergeant dukie, Dec 03 2002


       I think the fakes would be even more terrifying as one would never really know whether they might just suddenly decide to go off.
bristolz, Dec 03 2002

       Why not drop crates of alcahol and then all the troops get pissed and you invade the next day and they are all too hungover to fight.
Gulherme, Dec 03 2002

       Isn't this what the US Army was alleged to have done in Afghanistan, inadvertently dropping bright yellow food packets as well as bright yellow cluster bombs?   

       Dumb-as-sh*t idea, anyway. Air forces aren't going to risk the lives of their pilots just to create "a false sense of security".
DrCurry, Dec 04 2002

       During WW2, the Germans dropped bombs with a special fuse system which was specifically designed to go off if anyone tried to disarm it, and at no other stimulus.
8th of 7, Dec 04 2002

       Take the "food packet" idea a step further, and drop consumer goods (CD players, radios permanently tuned to American rock stations, satellite-linked laptop PCs, solar-powered appliances, designer clothing, etc.) and lottery tickets...
whlanteigne, Jan 05 2003

       These products would be painstakingly selected to appeal to material greed and cause consumer demand for more. After creating the demand for consumer goods, a program of job creation is developed. Former enemies can be hired to produce designer jeans and lingerie.   

       These products are cheap, compared to the cost of precision munitions- US$1.2 million for a Tomahawk, $100,000 for a GPS bomb, etc. That would buy a lot of CD players.
whlanteigne, Jan 05 2003

       //Isn't this what the US Army was alleged to have done in Afghanistan, inadvertently dropping bright yellow food packets as well as bright yellow cluster bombs?//   

       No allegedly about it. No one disputed this (well, except it was the Air Force). It wasn't along the lines of the idea though. And they rectified it once they realized the problem.   

       I'm gonna vote with bombing the Amish here. You never know when one of those religious fanatics is gonna make a suicide run, slamming a horse-and-buggy into a building (casualties: one).   

       (Well, two, if the horse doesn't pull through.)
rowlycat, Jan 06 2003

       //cost of munitions these days// If you're referring to the fact that munitions can cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars per unit, just think about it this way: Today, you can take out one target with one piece of munitions without putting a pilot in harm's way, using info sometimes only minutes old. Back in the WWII days, it took hundreds of pilots, gunners, navigators and bombardiers dropping tens of thousands of bombs over a target area while flying through heavy flak and dodging enemy fighters, all to try and take out a target with info possibly weeks old.   

       Cost per munition has gone up, but in adjusted dollars, cost per target has gone way down.
Freefall, Jul 26 2004

       Call me surrender monkey, but I tend to bone ideas that involve killing people. There's just something about it I don't like.
wagster, Jul 26 2004

       // Why not drop bunches of dummy bombs //
... and then post signs on the ground saying "BOMB SHELTER THIS WAY -->" and trick the enemy soldiers to all going to the same place, and THEN you drop the real bomb and get all of them in one blow. Wheeee!
phundug, Jul 26 2004

       Place huge trampolines upon the ground and bounce them back.
skinflaps, Mar 14 2008


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