Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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eGenerous tip tray

tip trays with different graphics gain bigger tips; use an epaper tip tray with genetic algorithms to microregionalize
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I read a study at [link] where it said putting credit card pictures on tip trays causes people to tip about a third more even with cash; the study has been replicated

I like the idea of waitstaff getting a raise with completely voluntary money, grandiosely if among the developed worlds population there are 10 million waitstaff then just changing tip tray graphics bring them about 30 billion $ each year; much of that money goes directly to women as well as women with children

time to create the ultimate tip tray

an epaper tip tray with genetic algorithms to microregionalize might be measurably more effective plus adapt to restaurant clientele

a scented tip tray could be used if the waitstaff detected the person(s) liked their meal; the NLP aspect of touching a tip tray with a pleasant scent might create stronger memory associations which the restaurant would prefer if the people had a pleasant time

its possible, but just a little alarming to think of a tamogotchi tip tray where you just put funds on it until the animated waitstaff figure lights up with happiness

beanangel, Jul 18 2008

http://psycnet.apa....&uid=1997-41278-013 restaurant setting. In 2 experiments, the presence or absence of a credit cue was manipulated by presenting the dinner tab on a tip tray that either contained a major credit card emblem or was blank. In Experiment 1, diners tipped an average of 4.29% more in the presence of credit cues. Experiment 2 replicated these findings with a different restaurant and insignia. The data are interpreted within a social learning theoretical framework, and the implications for further studies of consumer influence and credit cues are [beanangel, Jul 18 2008]

university link to study supports credit-cue diners tipping a greater percentage (20.19%; SD = 7.79) than diners given the blank tray (15.63%; SD = 6.65). http://web.ebscohos...h&AN=1997-41278-013
that those individuals who received their bill on a tray that contained a credit insignia tipped a significantly higher percentage (19.77%, SD = 7.46) than those who received their bill on a blank tray (15.48%, SD = 6.30). Given the possibility that credit cues may have stimulated credit card usage and, by extension, led to a larger tip, method of payment was coded and treated as a variable in the ANCOVA. Unfortunately, only 11 dining patrons paid for their meals with a credit card, making any direct conclusions about differences between cash and credit paying customers difficult and potentially less reliable. Nevertheless, the 8 credit-paying customers who received their bill on a credit-cued tiptray did tend to tip more (17.64%) than those 3 customers who did not receive the credit cue (15.56%). To rule out the possibility that the effects of the credit cue triggered increased tipping only among credit-paying customers, we analyzed data from the cash only patrons separately. The data from these 66 diners demonstrated an identical pattern of results F (1, 63) = 6.01, p = .01, with the credit-cue diners tipping a greater percentage (20.19%; SD = 7.79) than diners given the blank tray (15.63%; SD = 6.65). [beanangel, Jul 18 2008]


       I read this as "Erogenous Tip Trays" - a fish of an entirely different species, I can tell you.
Custardguts, Jul 21 2008

       erogenous version   

       the paper says that people tip a third more as a result of credit cues making them feel rich   

       thus a lap dancer with a name like Visa 2 Please could tell her potential clients her name was Visa 2 please, would they like to travel or make suggestive statements about more than a tip   

       she could measure to see if that chat up was fiscally effective
beanangel, Jul 21 2008

       // The data from these 66 diners demonstrated an identical pattern of results // Given such *large* samples how can the data be wrong?   

       Having "tried it on" last night, I can tell you that AT LEAST FIFTY percent of the participants were GREATLY satisfied.
4whom, Jul 21 2008

       Good job, [Treon]. [+]
ed, Jul 22 2008

       Twas the tamagotchi tip tray that earned my pastry
BunsenHoneydew, Aug 11 2008


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