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doves that voluntarily bring people eggs

Homing pigeons are bred to lay lots of nutritionally complete eggs while maintaining their urge to revisit a preferred place. Then doves bearing voluntarily given food visit nomadic individuals solving hunger as well as society.
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Homing pigeons are bred to lay lots of nutritionally complete eggs while maintaining their urge to revisit a preferred place. Then white doves bearing voluntarily given food visit nomadic individuals solving hunger as well as society.

Imagine wandering the earth, with a flock of friendly doves cooing as they voluntaily leave you an entire 24 hours supply of food. wander where you will, they seek you out. They are homing pigeons bred to lay lots of eggs.

now that you have sufficient food, you can wander as you like with all society optional.

beanangel, May 30 2012

Pigeon Pie Delivery Service Pigeon_20Pie_20Delivery_20Service
[UnaBubba, May 30 2012]

At my favourite winery http://www.flickr.c...s/o/in/photostream/
Bufano's St Francis [Phrontistery, Jun 02 2012]

Aliens https://www.nwcryobank.com/
[Voice, Jun 02 2012]


       I did one similar to this about three weeks ago, where the pigeons came to you to be killed and baked into pies. Pigeon Pie Delivery Service?
UnaBubba, May 30 2012

       Homing pigeons are trained to continually return to a single location. Nomadic peoples move from location to location. The pigeons will not just automatically fly to wherever the nomads are going next.   

       Nomadic tribes are not typically suffering from starvation. When they can no longer procure enough food, they move on.   

       Ending hunger will not "solve society."   

       All that said, this isn't the worst idea you've ever come up with.
Alterother, May 30 2012

       Obviously any idea that involves animals doing bidding gets a bun from me.
rcarty, May 30 2012

       //Ending hunger will not "solve society."//   

       No, but drastically increasing it will, eventually.
ytk, May 30 2012

       wow [unabbubba], awesome coincidence. I actually was ignorant of your item. I am thinking this is nifty as it replaces "companion predators" with companion vegetarians. With this version of course all the creatures live, enjoying voluntary activity as well.   

       The eggs could be genetically engineered to taste delicious raw. kind of a puzzle though, thaumatin is sweet tasting protein so I suppose that might work   

       Breed the homing pigeons to be cleverer, noticing the persons camp style, or possibly a visible "flag" they sought out.
beanangel, May 31 2012

       You could switch from pigeons to geese, ducks or turkeys, on the proviso that you are present during their hatching, and they "imprint" on you as their mother. This would solve the nomadic/following-around problem - although getting the immature birds to lay eggs might be tricky. The alternative might be to breed them so that the "following" instinct continues into adulthood.
zen_tom, May 31 2012

       man cannot eat eggs alone - he'd be totally constipated.
po, May 31 2012

       //man cannot eat eggs alone - he'd be totally constipated//
True, but he could trade them with nomadic pig herders.
Or music-festival goers.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, May 31 2012

       //True, but he could trade them with nomadic pig herders. Or music-festival goers.//   

       Not if you opt out of society.
erenjay, May 31 2012

       I think by the second day of eggs I would be ready to rejoin society.
Voice, May 31 2012

       Not that smitten with the eggs either but the idea of suddenly having doves arriving on my shoulder has a charm all its own, like being St F of A.
Phrontistery, Jun 01 2012

       Get used to twin streaks of shit running down your back.
Alterother, Jun 01 2012

       Nothing like focusing on the positive.
Phrontistery, Jun 01 2012

       Doves that voluntarily start a fire and skewer themselves over the flames.
rcarty, Jun 02 2012

       Well now there's a question; did Saint Francis ever get shat on? ...and if so, was it good luck?   

       Most Catholic priests get shat on at some point, [2fries].
UnaBubba, Jun 02 2012

       Sometimes by request.
Alterother, Jun 02 2012

       I envision an advanced race of beings that happens to think human eggs are tasty. They would train humans to come in for egg removal surgery...
Voice, Jun 02 2012

       Then use them to breed babies and use up the unused eggs to breed babies to eat...
UnaBubba, Jun 03 2012

       Human females are born with full stock of eggs.
rcarty, Jun 03 2012

       So are most other females.
UnaBubba, Jun 03 2012


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