Most people live in a bubble and consume media and knowledge within their bubbles reach. So how do you stretch the bubble surface and allow expansion of it's sphere?
If there was a language reference like synonym, antonym that expressed a word's multidimensional difference. A word furthest from the
word referenced. A word across the other side of the language's universe.
Here's a try. chicken distantonym tesseract
Biological/ mathematical, living / abstract. 3D /4D . Not just opposite (fox) on one dimension but furthest away on as many dimensions as possible.
Really it's an attempt to find pairs of words that have very little logical or emotional pathways to each other. This could be a way open up spheres that are around certain concepts or words. So if you notice a word being used too frequently just throw in the distantonym.
I understandard that any random word could be a distantonym but usually a multitude of logic pathways may make some words closer than others. There are mutliple dimensions to analyse the words, size rhyming, emotion, meaning, type.
Of course for the polyglots, there's an even bigger universe of extreme distantonyms.