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cloth gas tanks

use cloth instead of meatal to make tanks lighter
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my idea is to make a tight woven cloth tank that can hold pressure. such as O2 or CO2 or any other gas you need to store so it will be lighter. like in planes or spacecrafts?
toomer34, Aug 20 2005

Pillow tanks. http://www.intersta...om/pillow_tanks.htm
[ldischler, Aug 20 2005]

Composite propane cylinder. http://www.propanep.../lite-cylinder.html
Additional advantage is that you can see the propane level. [ldischler, Aug 20 2005]

FCP http://flexiblecont...rage_solutions.html
Flexible fuel storage tanks [Hendershot, Sep 23 2005]

A roof-top gas bag http://www.buickclu...tionID/10/ShowAll/1
Right down at the bottom labelled "1928 Overhead gas bag.." [coprocephalous, Feb 03 2006]


       How do you propose to do this? The fibres need to be strong enough to withstand the forces that the gas exerts; at 3000psi this is a substantial stress.   

       Composite gas tanks exist; they are lighter than steel tanks. Their major advantage is that, in a fire, they will leak their contents out, thus burning slowly, rather than just building up pressure until they explode like a bomb.
david_scothern, Aug 20 2005

       It’s not clear what the idea is. Is this a gas tank for a car? Or is it a balloon? In any case, you’re not going to contain gas or liquid unless the fabric is coated or laminated to a film. And that, toomer34, is well baked.
ldischler, Aug 20 2005

       MFD if you could provide a link [Idishler].
toomer34, Aug 20 2005

       A link to what? I still don't know what the idea is. Is it a pressurized container, or a gas tank?
ldischler, Aug 20 2005

       Ok [Idishler] to set the record straight it was for gas. Yes, I even gave examples CO2 and O2 oxygen and carbon dioxide, they are gases, and I belief that if we put the gas in a cloth container it would be even lighter than composite. Tight woven cloth would not allow unwanted airflow. There would be a lining but it would be precautionary.
toomer34, Aug 21 2005

       //Tight woven cloth would not allow unwanted airflow//
I was in textiles at one time, so take it from me. No, it won't work.
ldischler, Aug 21 2005

       That’s what the liner is for. And yes I know there would be some sort of a leak in cloth. But that would prove useful in fires. After the liner melts it world have a slow all around leak instead of a long jet like one. Much like a large campfire.
toomer34, Aug 22 2005

       So it's a ballon with a structural fibre outer layer? Biggity biggity baked. Sports balls, braided hoses etc.
Texticle, Aug 22 2005

       in fact, these should replace airbags. they certainly need an improvement in lethality.
schmendrick, Sep 24 2005

       idea god on paper but in reall life no i get it ill try harder
toomer34, Feb 03 2006

       During WWII many vehicles were adapted to run on ordinary domestic gas, and had large flexible reservoirs on the roof. I'll try to find a link.
coprocephalous, Feb 03 2006

       Curiously Festo Pneumatics sells woven air cylinders. They call them 'air muscles' or some such. Depending on internal pressure they can be made to expand or contract, but they *do* hold pressure. One presumes they would hold fluids as well, but they ain't cheap to make. The "cloth" is woven from carbon fiber.
Steamboat, Feb 04 2006

       the problem is that i am trying to get rid of all that carbon fiber jazz and go with straight cloth to hold excuse the confushon compressed air as such i have had a few new idea for this whitch when i get around to it will be in a revised idea.
toomer34, Feb 04 2006

       There enough uses for cloth gas that it is worth making tanks for it?
normzone, Feb 04 2006

toomer34, Feb 04 2006


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