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aspirin linked to omega 3 lipid as cardiobeneficial longevity supplement (drug)

Aspirin is published as reducing heart disease risk, also at the jenage database aspirin makes mice live longer, just link the two with an enzymatically dividable linker molecule.
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You have likely heard of the polypill, a one size fits most pill that confers wellness and reduces disease risk. this is kind of like another polypill. omega-3 lipids are published as having many benefits, among them cardiovascular benefits. Aspirin is published as having cardiovascular benefits. Aspirin also makes mice live 10 or 15% longer [link]

A different, yet highly similar possibility is salicylic acid linked to omega-3. There are no mammal studies i know, yet willow bark extract causes yeast to live much longer. control yeast live about 2.4 days, willow bark extract yeast live about 11.4 days. [link]

If you know any yeast that would like a wellness tonic, give them some willow bark. (yeast is a model organism that bodes well for mammalian studies)

just link aspirin, or salicylic acid to an omega 3 lipid, with an enzymatically dividable linker molecule to create e new drug. Notably there is now an FDA approved version of distillied fish oil, so this might be possible. Think of the money to be made from a new variety of aspirin with omega 3 that actually causes mice to live much longer.

beanangel, Nov 03 2016

Aspirin at Jenage.de causing mice to live longer http://lifespandb.s...rg/search?q=Aspirin
[beanangel, Nov 03 2016]

possibly salicylic acid from willow bark causes yeast to live much longer http://www.impactjo...]=7665&path[]=22203
[beanangel, Nov 03 2016]

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       OK, I'll bite. What exactly is the benefit of taking two compounds that might extend life, and chemically shackling them to each other?   

       How is this different from saying "TV is good; ice cream is good - pouring ice cream into a TV will be even better" ?   

       You do understand, I presume, that the "polypill" contains several compounds in one pill, but not chemically joined to each other?   

       [note: there are about 100 longevity-related compounds in the database [beany]'s talking about. That gives 10^4 possible fusion molecules, including homodimers. We're gonna need a bigger category.]
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 03 2016

       I have a theory: beany is trying to cheapen healthcare by using the million monkeys approach to break the drug patent system.
RayfordSteele, Nov 03 2016

       well, fortunately for drug manufacturers slight variations on aspirin (propy salicylic acid, etc) could still be linked to omega 3 lipids to create something patentable, so I think the drug companies are without risk.   

       Possibly they will like the idea (hey, they got FDA approval on two new kinds of fish oil (lovaza and ultra distilled) so they might value creating new, possibly longevizing drugs, with profits in mind.   

       [mb] your idea about pouring Ice cream on television is obviously a derivative of the recent idea erotic ice cream, with the added benefit that you could put anything you consider erotic onscreen, before licking it off! Actually I support your idea.   

       Also, if only someone could be bothered to do tissue localization studies on the catalog of longevity drugs, perhaps one concentrates at the heart, another at the brain, administering them together could be more likely to be effective. Joining them with a linker molecule could cause concentration near where the enzymes are, either at cytoplasm or possibly the liver.
beanangel, Nov 03 2016

       [beany] will you please stop agreeing with me - it makes me uncomfortable.   

       To return to my original question - what, exactly, is the imagined benefit of shackling aspirin and omega 3 lipids together, compared to just taking them as separate compounds?   

       This is all horribly reminiscent of Sturton's grandfather's attempts to splice together a Gypsy Moth biplane and an elephant's foot umbrella stand. The result was highly unairworthy and also made it impossible to use the front hallway.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 03 2016

       "what, exactly, is the imagined benefit of shackling aspirin and omega 3 lipids together, compared to just taking them as separate compounds?"   

       if it is profitable it might get built.   

       there is also the possibility it will have different tissue localization than either separately (kind of thin as a benefit)   

       polypill like user interface makes it more takeable   

       another kind of convenience; I think I might have thought of the idea earlier today.   

       It might also be ...cryptoadvocacy (.5b no-no) for longevity drugs!   

       I was trying to think of as many longevity drugs and nootropics as possible, so along with thinking of the recombinant grid, This has the pizazz of omega three with the social comfiness of aspirin. Compare twitter with yahoo answers ...got marketing?   

       There are other ideas that are actually more novel, like does the viscosity of neuron cytoplasm effect the dispersion of neurotransmitters? What are drugs that effect cytoplasm viscosity? Could these amplify, or tune, any neuroactive drug? It is kind of like a physical chemistry version of selective serotonin reuptake inhibition, except it works with any neurotransmitter. The thing is that as I sift through the back catalog that one was in a different folder or something.
beanangel, Nov 03 2016

       [blissy] is gonna be furious.
whatrock, Nov 03 2016

       At first I thought..."this can't be happening, No one, absolutely no one would be so completely brain dead as to post such a long titled idea."   

       No one...she said as she lie on the floor writhing in pain and disgust...No one, but [beanangel].
blissmiss, Nov 04 2016

       perhaps I should have titled it "metformin salicylate" I will try to think of funner titles.
beanangel, Nov 05 2016

       Not funny, honey, short. just tiny titles. That's all.
blissmiss, Nov 05 2016


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