Fullerenes have been published as doubling the longevity of mice.(link)
Now, being aware of the .5b "A research hypothesis differs from an invention" guideline. I suggest that legolike diamond nanospheres could do many of the things fullerenes do, yet possibly better. One reason is the the diameter
is completely adjustable rather than presized. Another advantage is that to get around drug approval processes Kimberlite clay may already contain large amounts of nanodiamonds that just need to be screened as to size. Legospheranes or enes may also be much more rugged at a surviving the addition of pharmacologically beneficial surface groups.
Now the thrilling hypothesis part.
Diamond legospherenes, little round diamonds of similar size as fullerenes. Think a legoish diamond sphere the size of a fullerene Does it longevize like a fullerene? (chemists will riot at the name legospherene, perhaps tolerating legospheranes)
Legospherenes may be very similar acting to fullerenes yet with a wider range of applications because they can be different sizes (half, similar, gradualized, or double size spheroids) as well as having novel shapes unavailable to fullerenes, ([ ]) round with a crevice (possibly a halogenated crevice for oomph), or even triorbs 8D, OB at the same diameter
Spherical nanonodiamonds may have a cheap natural source, Kimberlite clay may be a natural source of nanodiamonds of the same radius as fullerenes.
It may actually be possible to change the shape of nanodiamonds as well, I wonder if liquid helium grinding might actually cause a streambed effect on nanodiamonds to produce roundness even though these nanodiamonds are only 120 to 340 carbon atoms each at a diameter size similar to C60 buckminsterfullerene. If you view a structure image of buckminsterfullerene it is partially saturated, lots of C-C=C-C=C happening. Thus treating legospheranes (C-C) to desaturate their surface to become legospherenes(C=C) creates a fullerene functionalike surface, yet produced from the cheaply mass filtered kimberlite nanodiamond core.
So as an invention rather than a research hypothesis I am suggesting that desaturating natural nanodiamonds may be a cheap alternate source of pharmaceutical fullerenoids, or fullerene workalikes.
Now revisiting the hypothesis festival, Spermidine is published as doubling (or near doubling) mouse longevity. As an NH2ized alkane NH2/\/nh\/\/NH2 spermidine is rather similar to a fullerene or nanodiamond. Creating fullerenes or nanodiamonds with NH2 groups combines two lifespan doubling chemical structures at one molecule. This is where spherical nanodiamonds may have a synthesis advantage. I'm not sure you can just throw C60 into liquid ammonia then hope it stays puffy. I feel it is likely you can throw surface activated (desaturated) nanodiamonds into liquid ammonia to produce diamond with a plurality of NH2 on the surface.
Thus It is possible that legospheranes may be of value to pharmaceutical companies seeking variation on fullerene prior art. As usual everything I describe is public domain.
Spermidine is published as doubling (or near doubling) mouse longevity. The ammonia on carbon similarities are suggestive. Spermidine is an NH2ized alkane NH2/\/nh\/\/NH2 spermidine is rather similar to a fullerene or nanodiamond, Creating fullerenes or nanodiamonds with NH2 groups combines two lifespan doubling chemical structures at one molecule
so this might be a cheap source of a new longevity drug that triples or better lab mammal longevity.