Lately, I'v been waking up about 5 mins before work, and thats no good really, cause that means i get there like an hour late. So what I need is an alarm clock thats so unconventional that it does the job of actually waking me up on time, and stops me from going back to sleep. there would be no snooze
feature on this one,
Another issue with the conventional alarm clock is that one becomes accustomed to the tone, and are therefor able to just sleep through the siren. well, what this calls for is an inconsistent alarm that takes you by surprise, scares you and generally just gets you out of bed.
I envision, an illuminated, multi audial virbrating alarmclock/pillow hybrid. The pillow would have 5 states of alert, and glow correspindingly to the color of alert.
Green - Acscending audible alarm siren
Blue - Different audible alarm tone, and light vibration
Yellow - Different alarm tone (loud), heavy Vibration
Orange - Hecticly loud alarm tone (maybe barnyard sounds, and a drum-solo nightmare), and extremely disturbing pneumatic-drill like vibration
Red - Everything at full capacity, all sounds, playing arbitrarily (perhaps also accompanied disturbing high pitched shreiks of horror and car-crash sounds), and electric-shocklike vibrations.
Now, you could be a good, and wake up immediately as soon as you sense the green glow, accompained by a soft audible siren....or you can dare to snooze and be hugely disturbed and traumatised by the sounds, colors, and vibrations.
This would ofcourse piss off the user and thety will andoubteby attemps to break it at some point, but they know fine-well thats its sole purpose is to wake them up for their benefit....and also it would be made of durable materials to avoid that hybrid - bashing lot