Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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"scanning" Electron Oven

No hot/cold spots, and gets cooked all the way through.
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If an electron goes faster it gets smaller and interacts less with materials. These interactions don't transfer much energy initialy, but as the electron slows it becomes more interactive - it transfers more energy/travel length. As it's now transfering energy faster...it slows down faster...and transfers energy faster...
It dumps most of it's energy at the end of the line.

This idea uses this effect to heat large lumps of stuff ( like a 20 pound turkey ) quickly and evenly.

To do this, a powerfull (several kilowatt) high voltage electron beam is aimed at a target. It is then turned on at a low speed setting, causing the most energy to be absorbed on the surface. It's energy setting is then modulated up and down causing the absorption area to sweep through the target 10s-1000s of times a second, thus heating it evenly.

This could probably be operated with a gas filled heating chamber seperated by a thin glass wall from the electron gun as the electrons will not transfer much energy to either early on.
Yes, you want a back stop to this.
Moderate power E.Beams can use solid cathodes, but HIGH power ones ( the type you'd use to heat a whole pig or an ox) might need a plasma cathode to all allow the high currents involved.

Excuse my spelling, as I couldn't find word on this machien.

my-nep, Jan 08 2005

IE spell http://www.iespell.com/
An integrated browser tool that spell-checks your text. Works well (Halfbakery presents well). [reensure, Jan 08 2005]


       Not only do you get supper, it comes with an MRI!
DrCurry, Jan 08 2005

       Don't electron beams only work in a vacuum? Hense the design of the CRT.
Aq_Bi, Jan 08 2005

       Electrons don't penetrate very deeply, and tend to chemically modify as well as heat. In fact, they're used by manufacturers to cross-link polymer films (bacon packaging, etc.) making them stronger and more heat-resistant. So you might have a cold turkey, except for the skin, which would be tough as nails.
ldischler, Jan 08 2005

       Could you use it to modify meat into quorn? Could help those of us living with a vegetarian - you could cook a chicken and turn the left side into quorn.
wagster, Jan 08 2005

       I couldn't install IE spell!   

       The actual workings of the CRT are in a vacume contained by the glass wall.   

       Admitadly, you have to get them going REALLY fast to penetrate deaply into a targe which requires a large accelerator ( a few meters at least ) but such extravagences as good sized linear accelerators are allowed here on the HB. Right?   

       I doubt that you could turn your turkey into imatation tofu.
my-nep, Jan 08 2005

       //you have to get them going REALLY fast to penetrate deaply //
No, it wouldn't work anyway. The turkey would explode because of the build up of charge.
ldischler, Jan 08 2005

       These are high voltage electrons, so you don't need many to get a high wattage. And you can ground the turkey.
my-nep, Jan 08 2005

       //Not only do you get supper, it comes with an MRI!//   

       You wouldn't have to worry about your baking pan going anywhere except back in the oven. Quickly.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 09 2005


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