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"i am not crazy" cellphone sign.

For animated bluetooth, cellphone users.
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Fact: People these days use cellphone(s)

Fact: Some people like star trek

Fact: Technologies like bluetooth are innovative

Truth: People like wireless, bluetooth sets.

Have you ever seen one of those wireless bluetooth sets that goes on your ears? Well, It seems their are some things that are better left done when it appears you are actually holding something.

For some people, its interesting to note that people make certain expression and even gesture while they are talking on the phone. When they are made, they have an angry tone. When they are crazy, they seem crazy.

Now, bring that drama outside in the public and now appear as if you looked crazy!!

Since it appears that your not holding anything (since the cellphone is in your pocket and the headset is on your ear, especially for women with long hair), It appears as if you were not only talking to yourself, but also expressing it all, as if you were really crazy!

Now, i propose for people who tend to express their emotions while talking on their cellphone and also have a bluetooth set to wear a

"i am not crazy" sign when they are out in public so that others will not think that:

-they must not be crazy since they are not talking to themselves.

-that drama is a response to the person they are talking to on their cellphone.

It will also be reflective for night use (recharged by day and bright at night).

compatta, Jun 03 2006

Alternatively Insanity_20cover-ups
The flipside. [theleopard, Oct 18 2007]

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       On the other hand, I think it would be way more fun for the handsfree providers to also sell asylum costumes together with the devices. At least as a warning.
sweet, Jun 03 2006

       I'm not so worried about the crazy bit, but it is sometimes really difficult to work out who they are talking to.   

       "Er, what's that you said? Oh, it's the phone."
Ling, Jun 04 2006

       I often talk to myself - I find I am a good listener.
xenzag, Jun 04 2006

       The problem is, anyone walking around with a bluetooth headset is crazy, and lying with signs is bad form.
epicproblem, Jun 04 2006

       You could sell big plastic dummy phones (with the word 'PHONE' emblazoned across the edge) that you can hold up against the side of your face, just so that people realise that you're actually talking on the telephone.
zen_tom, Jun 04 2006

       You could issue an empty beer can with every Bluetooth headset. Then everybody would be sure to ignore you when you start shouting at empty air.
moomintroll, Jun 04 2006

       [Ling], I've been confused a time or two before also. I hate when I think someone has just asked me a question.
I bet this has caused an awkward situation more than once, somewhere. It would have been funny to watch.
(I nearly replied one time, "Why are you asking a total stranger that?" ... Oh, the phone.)
Zimmy, Jun 05 2006

       I find it to be very annoying because sometimes people will look right at you while talking on the earpiece and you think that they are talking to you so you stand there waiting for them to finish what they are saying only to find out that its not you who they were talking to. I get frustrated by some of my coworkers because I will stop what I am doing to respond and it wasn't me that they were talking to. For this application a very bright red light would be ideal. So when I see that bright light, I know to ignore everything that you are saying.
Jscotty, Jun 05 2006

       this doesn't seem to be an issue to me, whenever i see people talking on headsets, the almost invariably are holding their phone out in front of them. while this seems to invalidate the use of a headset at all, it does make it easy to tell if someone is on the phone.   

       also, they tend to wave the phone around when they are upset at the person on the other end.
tcarson, Jun 06 2006

       I think the real solution here is to mask the stigma associated with talking to oneself by distributing bluetooth headsets to all the people who are actually crazy. Then at least you can fool yourself into perceiving a utopian streetscape where everyone is deep in meaningful conversation with...someone. We tried this years ago by pairing dementia patients.
benjaminsbox, Jun 06 2006

       Why dont we just hand out fake handsets to the truely crazy people? They can talk to themselves on their fake phone and now we can at least tell who is who again.
MoreCowbell, Jun 06 2006

       First crazy guy I ever saw was walking around talking into a walkie-talkie. I'm faily sure there was no one on the other end of the conversation. He used to walk five miles or so every day to stroll around downtown for the afternoon, before packing it in around 4:30-5 pm. Saw this guy most days for years, until I finally moved on.
reensure, Jun 06 2006

       Yeah, I used to know a crazy guy who walked around with a police-scanner radio, talking into it all the time.   

       The best "I am not crazy" sign that I've seen is an expensive suit and tie.
baconbrain, Jun 06 2006

       One could walk around with a large rotating beacon on one's head.
Then everyone would know one is not crazy.
Ling, Jun 07 2006

       Or perhaps crazy people could wear signs saying "I am not using a mobile phone".   

       The only problem being that they'd have to take it off if they did have a mobile phone and it rang.   

       [tcarson] I've seen people acting the way you describe - this tends to be those wire-type handsfree kits doesn't it?
kmlabs, Jun 07 2006

       What about just wearing a mirror-copy fake bluetooth earpiece in the other ear? People may not be able to tell from a distance, but when they got closer, it'd be all: "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were crazy, but now I realise you're just a w##nker".
m_Al_com, Jun 08 2006

       How will this deal with the real crazy people I've met, who make a habit of pretending to hold something cell-phone sized up to their ears while they talk to themselves?
ye_river_xiv, Oct 18 2007

       It'd be much easier just to permit us to throw nets over people using those things.
Ander, Oct 18 2007

       //The best "I am not crazy" sign that I've seen is an expensive suit and tie.//   

       Two words: Steve Ballmer.
Spacecoyote, Nov 04 2008

       It's not universal, but very common that people seen by others as crazy don't see themselves as crazy, so really the sign should say something like "I don't think I'm crazy" rather than "I'm not crazy". You could have a T-shirt printed, so that people knew you didn't think you were crazy even when you weren't on the 'phone. Come to think of it, does a T-shirt say "I'm not crazy" best or a sweatshirt, or what? Maybe a pair of trousers? What about a kilt with a secret message in tartan indicating that you're not crazy? But then they already exist, don't they? In fact all tartans have secret messages in them. What about a Bible printed entirely in tartan language?   

       And so on...
nineteenthly, Nov 04 2008

       they might have dismissed you as harmless until they read a T message sayng "I'm NOT crazy"
po, Nov 04 2008

       The trend has actually reversed where Mobile phones are very popular. Previously, people used to look at bluetooth headphone users and wonder if they are crazy. Today, people look at crazily behaving people, even if they are in fact just behaving crazy, and take for granted "Ah! (s)he must be using a blutooth headset with his/her mobile".
kamathln, Nov 04 2008

       I know people who use a 'phone as a prop when they're talking to themselves.
nineteenthly, Nov 04 2008


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