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"This is Not an iPad" shirt

For non-Apple tablet users. To be worn with a matching hat.
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I was asked 6 times last night if my Samsung Galaxy Tab was that Apple POS. In just a few months, Google plans to unveil a lot more tablets running it's OS made by various manufacturers. We need a sign.
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010


       ...and on the sixth time the twenty first quested one asked the Lord for a sign, and lo the Galaxy shuddered and the tablet was rent in two thus proclaiming to all that it is indeed not POSapple.   

       "My other tablet's not an iPad either" bumper-sticker.
FlyingToaster, Dec 18 2010

       How about a T shirt that says: "I wanted the Universe, but all I got was a Galaxy"?
xenzag, Dec 18 2010

       Ah, yes, the Galaxy. I think I'll get one I can share with my son.</vader>
lurch, Dec 18 2010

       Oh nice. Or I suppose I could do a James Bond tie-in... "The World is Not Enough... so I bought a Galaxy."
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       Why advertise your poverty?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 18 2010

       Because he prefers to advertise his intelligence, of course.
8th of 7, Dec 18 2010

       He also needs a piece of electronics that's not what everyone else is buying so as to cleverly suggest that he's more discriminating and intelligent.
hippo, Dec 18 2010

       //he perfers to advertise his intelligence//

       The Borg are clearly from Alabama.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 18 2010

       So, *you* wear the shirt? Or your ipad? I'm confused.
daseva, Dec 18 2010

       // Alabama //

       We're from .... everywhere.

       Except wales. And france. Oh, and Milton Keynes (but that goes without saying).
8th of 7, Dec 18 2010

       //Why advertise your poverty?//

       Same price as the iPad, actually...
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       //Why advertise your poverty?//

       Well it really doesn't cost that much...   

       Isn't that kind of like having a knockoff Lana Marks handbag and wearing a T-shirt that says. "This is not a Lana Marks?" I don't get it. Is it just to keep people from accusing you of fronting a real iPad?
nomocrow, Dec 18 2010

       No! The Galaxy Tab looks nothing like an iPad, sports 2 cameras and a completely different OS, is half the size, and has a large "Galaxy Tab" logo on the back.

       It's not a knockoff. It's targeted at a completely different niche market. The problem is most people seem to have never actually seen an iPad, or have only seen a few pictures on TV, and assume that any touchscreen tablet must be an Apple product. Well in a few months there's gonna be a whole lot more tablets running the Android OS, in various shapes and sizes, and people will still think that every one is an iPad because of Apple's domineering advertisements.
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       //the problem is most people have never actually seen an iPad//

       Where on earth do you live?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 18 2010

       That's the only explanation I can think of, Max. My Tab is all black, front and back, has a camera with flash on the back, and is half the size of an iPad with a different shape (it's a rectangle and iPads are square). Yet EVERY person who comments on it thinks it's an iPad. Have YOU ever seen someone pull an iPad out of a coat pocket?
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       Oh, OK. Over here we call those "iPhones", and you can use them to make wireless telephone calls as well.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 18 2010

       Really? European iPhones have 7-inch screens? I'm pretty sure they have 3.5-inch screens like the ones here.

       (P.S., the Galaxy Tab that's been in circulation over there for several months now CAN make telephone calls, as well.)
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       My apologies - I didn't know you could run a different OS on the iPad. Do the tabs come with the OS? Do you just stick them on? Where do you put the cameras?

       If the OS takes up less space, does that make it run faster?
nomocrow, Dec 18 2010

       I'm actually surprised at the number of die-hard Apple fans I've seen on this site, especially when many of them have been outspoken against big business and standardization of technology, which is the very essence of Apple.
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       Principals are all well and good. But Apple products are just ...well, better.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 18 2010

       Not their phones (according to Apple representatives, iPhones can be expected to drop at least 15-20% of your calls and will not cover it under warranty if it drops less than that), not their netbooks (unless you're a big fan of having to use the keyboard in conjunction with the mouse to do things a Windows machine can do with just the mouse, and paying a thousand bucks for a 64-GB hard drive), and not their tablet (unless you enjoy having expensive, proprietary apps forced on you and having to pack the monstrosity around in a brief case or shoulder bag, in which case you might as well just get a netbook, which folds to the same size and has a bigger screen, and having no expandable or removable memory, and not being able to use the 3G service for tethering).

       My Android tablet is approximately 4 times the size of an iPhone yet still fits in a pocket (Fits in the pocket of my jeans without a case on it, and with the case on fits in the inside breast pocket of most of my coats and the side cargo pocket of all my cargo pants), has an extremely responsive touchscreen AMOLED display with nearly 50% greater pixel density than an iPad, has the same width as an iPad screen so is just as good for watching widescreen movies and better for mobile gaming, has access to the Android market which is in itself a bonus, has dual cameras (one on the back with flash and one on the front for self-portrait shots and video chat), can be loaded with a multitude of custom ROMs, has a slot for a microSD card up to 32 GB, and can be used for tethering, via WiFi or USB, at no extra cost.

       The European version of the Galaxy Tab can do all that with more internal storage (up to 32 GB internal with support for 32 GB MicroSD... American version only has 16 GB internal), plus make calls.
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       I'm sure it's very snazzy, [21Q]. The thing is, until you mentioned its specs (and it's name), I knew nothing about the Galaxy tablet.

       Apple have been in the market of selling slick-looking, well-featured, desirable gadgets for ages. They've mastered their marketing and really ensured that there is a buzz around their next device to market by either being first to market or being <italic>best</italic> to market.

       The iPhone was shinier than existing mobiles & smartphones - but it didn't actually do more than any competitors (other than connect to iTunes & be shiny). So what?? It was shiny and was desired.

       iPhone 3G came out and it was heralded as being even better than the iPhone ... except that other phones had 3G long before it. The camera is shit, you can't change the battery yourself (officially) to name only two criticisms. Doesn't matter - loads of people bought them.

       iPhone 4 came out and it was brilliant at being shiny and doing everything that the 3GS could do - but it's RF end is abysmal and shows that Apple are not phone manufacturers. They are gadget manufacturers that include phone stuff.

       iPad came out and lots of folk went "ooooh". Now, lots of folk hadn't had a great touchscreen tablet for the previous 5 years - (I had a Fujitsu lifebook and it was *brilliant*). Here, Apple was first to market... and it is very shiny etc.

       Of course competitors are... er... competing - but their marketing is typically far behind Apple.

       Anyway - so... the shirt isn't an iPad?
Jinbish, Dec 18 2010

       No, the shirt is a shirt, with the phrase "This is Not an iPad" printed in large, friendly letters on the back, to be worn by someone who is carrying a non-iPad tablet so that people approaching from behind know before they even open their mouths what the answer to their question will be. I was sitting at a bar the other night, playing Asphalt 5 on my Galaxy Tab,and no less than 6 people approached from behind to ask "Is that an iPad?" or "How do you like your iPad?" or "Was that iPad worth the money?".

       The idea is twofold. One, to save myself the time and effort of having to answer the same question 6 times in a 5 minute period, and two, to get people thinking a little more about the benefits of a non-Apple touchscreen tablet with thousands of apps.
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       [+] This would be useful for so many different applications. For instance, those of use who use Linux or BSD will eventually get tired of addressing people who ask, "What version of Windows is that?"
Jscotty, Dec 18 2010

       All I need now is a hat that says the same thing, to address those approaching from the front.
21 Quest, Dec 18 2010

       Isn't it better to answer such interlocutors with a quizzical look, a shrug, and an offhand comment such as “How would I know?” or “How can one tell?” or “What do you think?” or perhaps “a what?”
pocmloc, Dec 19 2010

       No, no.
"Wow, is that an iPad?"
"Eugh - how last season..."

       (P.S. - I was kiddingabout the shirt not being an iPad)
Jinbish, Dec 19 2010

       I think I'm going to carry a lumpy cardboard box with wires hanging out of it. It will have a perspex front to facilitate various images being cut out and cellotaped to it, and a key sticking out one side to periodically wind up a hidden clock spring. Large bakelite style headphones connected to the box via a frayed cable will complete the arrangement.
xenzag, Dec 19 2010

       Is there an app that says "I'm with stupid"?
xandram, Dec 19 2010

       How about "I'm stupid to be with"?
xenzag, Dec 19 2010

       [xenzag], Microsoft will sue you for copying their software design in hardware.
8th of 7, Dec 19 2010

       What about a shirt saying, "I don't have either"? I like that the best.
blissmiss, Dec 19 2010


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