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Zap don't Fry

Child Safety through learning.
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So the original genesis for this idea was a comic about child proofing electrical outlets, but I've thought of several related applications.

This would be a transformer, ideally installed at the time of construction, that wires into all of the floor level outlets. It allows the home owner to dial down the voltage in these outlets to levels that produce an uncomfortable or painful, but not dangerous shock. Thus, when baby sticks their finger or a fork or whatever in the outlet, they learn that it's a bad idea, but (probably) aren't actually harmed.

Also in this line are the stove burner that reaches temperatures just the cool side of causing serious burns, the cool burning candle, the thin padding table corner protector, the two step down baby safety net, and various "look alike" household chemicals that taste horrible without actually being harmful.

Disclaimer: MechEnterprises does not certify any of the above for use with actual babies, pets, or random flightless waterfowl.

MechE, Mar 23 2015


       How about run the transformed voltage to metal face plates instead? Give the little random flightless waterfalls a static-electricity like shock just for brushing up against the outlet. Electric livestock fence, Pavlov, etc.
the porpoise, Mar 23 2015

       I love this idea. [+]   

       Another suggestion would be a range of electrical cords designed to give a mild shock if touched by human skin.
21 Quest, Mar 23 2015

       No on [21]'s mildly shocking electrical cords. That serves to enforce the rules you've given, but doesn't teach the child about natural consequences. It may make them unduly afraid of all electrical cords until at some point you tell them the whole truth. Not to mention that you'll end up shocking grandma as well.
scad mientist, Mar 23 2015

       This whole topic got me thinking. We spend a whole lot of time and money on protecting our children. As a result we're now worried that the children are missing out on lessons learned the hard way, so now we're going to spend even more time and money to pretend (to them) that we're not protecting them. I think that this is generally positive, but I note that in different countries, and in the past here (USA is my main perspective) more risk was accepted. I think it comes down to economics. We may spend a lot of money protecting our kids, but since it is still a fairly small percentage of our income, it's worth it. But for those with less resources, if it comes to the certainty of not having food on the table vs. a fairly small risk of injury to the child, taking the risk is the reasonable choice.   

       The thing is, the social norms and even the laws regarding how much we should protect our children are set based on what seems reasonable to typical people in a society. If someone is unable to meet those standards they can be faced with loss of custody their children or even jail time for neglect. Yet that child my still be much better off and have a higher chance of survival than thousands of children in other parts of the world. There are of course some resources to help people in these situations, but how much should we try to make people conform to typical standards vs. accept that they may not meet our standards but help them do the best they can with their own resources. Hmm... hard to allow the poor to be held to a lower standard while maintaining a reasonable standard for those that can afford it.
scad mientist, Mar 23 2015

       "We'll going to have a good lunch here Dorthy, but only after you run the obstacle course."   

       Maybe a special playground similar to jungle gym attached to McDonald s with shocks, bad tastes, mild acids and bases, too bright lights, pin pricks, mild diseases, drop pits into freezing water, speeding cars of hard foam, and so on. Whatever the market will bear. Spiders ?, Skunks ?, and Bears ? - Oh My!   

       Your not in Kansas anymore Dorthykins.
popbottle, Mar 23 2015

       This is fine until your 4-year-old, having learned that poking a knife in a socket causes an unpleasant but non-serious shock, tricks her 3-year-old brother into trying it on a regular socket.   

       Also, as I think has been mentioned before, ground leakage sensors mean that even poking a knife into a regular socket will not produce a significantly dangerous shock.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 23 2015

       //even poking a knife into a regular socket will not produce a significantly dangerous shock// - (Disclaimer: Halfbakery readers take electrical safety advice from eminent microbiologists at their own risk)
hippo, Mar 24 2015

       *TABLOID HEADLINE* "What did this eminent microbiologist discover about the dangers hidden in your own house? The answer will SHOCK you!"
AusCan531, Mar 24 2015

       There's plenty of outlets out there without ground leakage protection, at least here in the states.
Spacecoyote, Mar 24 2015

       Well, there's ya problem then. You're living in the wrong country.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 24 2015

       Actually, the budding adult needs the important "Practical application of probability and assessment of risk" lesson, due to the 1 in 3 chance of receiving a surprise.
Ling, Mar 25 2015


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